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How To Prevent White Spots On Your Teeth During Orthodontic Treatment

How To Prevent White Spots On Your Teeth During Orthodontic Treatment

Getting braces is a big deal – and a big milestone in anyone’s life….

Artificial Intelligence Could Soon Diagnose Osteoarthritis Of The Temporomandibular Joint

Artificial Intelligence Could Soon Diagnose Osteoarthritis Of The Temporomandibular Joint

The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on our daily lives is becoming undeniable. From…

Autism Could Increase The Risk Of TMJ Dysfunction

Autism Could Increase The Risk Of TMJ Dysfunction

For millions of parents around the world, the side effects of autism are all…

The Link Between OSA And Vitamin D

The Link Between OSA And Vitamin D

We all know the importance of getting the correct amount of vitamins and minerals…

Treating Gestational Sleep Apnea

Treating Gestational Sleep Apnea

Your body goes through many changes when you’re pregnant. Many of them are temporary…

Choosing The Right White For Your Veneers

Choosing The Right White For Your Veneers

It’s pretty safe to say we all want pretty, gleaming, white teeth. But when…

New Drug Could Someday Regrow Teeth

New Drug Could Someday Regrow Teeth

Our teeth are one of our most precious commodities. When we take care of…

Menopause And Oral Health

Menopause And Oral Health

As we age, our bodies experience many changes, some of them inevitable. For most…

Protect Your Eyes From Sleep Apnea

Protect Your Eyes From Sleep Apnea

If you have sleep apnea, you already know how hard it is to get…

Useful Tips For Reducing Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Pain

Useful Tips For Reducing Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Pain

You’re no stranger to pain if you suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ dysfunction)….

Got TMJ Dysfunction? Skip The Needle!

Got TMJ Dysfunction? Skip The Needle!

If you’re at all familiar with the pain and frustration of temporomandibular joint dysfunction,…

What President Biden Can Teach Us About CPAP Therapy

What President Biden Can Teach Us About CPAP Therapy

If you’ve been watching the news, you may have heard a story recently about…

Cosmetic Dentistry Options That Won’t Break The Bank

Cosmetic Dentistry Options That Won’t Break The Bank

It’s pretty safe to say that we all have things about ourselves that we…

Breakfast Ideas For A Healthy Mouth

Breakfast Ideas For A Healthy Mouth

Breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. It’s true! Studies have even…

Could This Vitamin Help Reduce Tartar?

Could This Vitamin Help Reduce Tartar?

Sometimes, oral health care can be really frustrating. You brush, you floss, you visit…

The Benefits Of Artificial Sweeteners

The Benefits Of Artificial Sweeteners

Looking for a sweet escape? Interested in just desserts? Most of us crave sugar…

The Dangers Of Snoring

The Dangers Of Snoring

If you’re one of the 45 percent of adults who occasionally snore, or the…

TMJ Dysfunction Could Cause Poor Posture

TMJ Dysfunction Could Cause Poor Posture

How’s your posture? Maybe you were one of those kids who walked around with…

Why Are My Ears Ringing?

Why Are My Ears Ringing?

What’s that ringing sound? Do you suffer from persistent ringing of the ears, even…

How Social Media Can Improve Your Oral Health

How Social Media Can Improve Your Oral Health

With an estimated 4.9 billion (yes billion!) social media uses around the world, it’s…

How To Choose A Dentist

How To Choose A Dentist

We have many choices in life. From what to have for lunch to where…

New Warnings About DIY Dentistry

New Warnings About DIY Dentistry

We’ve said it before, and we’ll probably say it again: at home dentistry is…

‘Pick’ Something Else To Floss Your Teeth

‘Pick’ Something Else To Floss Your Teeth

You’ve heard it before every time you go to the dentist: have you been…

New Vaping Dangers Revealed

New Vaping Dangers Revealed

You already know the dangers of smoking, but you may not know that vaping…

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction More Common in Teenage Girls

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction More Common in Teenage Girls

When you think of conditions such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction (also known as TMJD…

Yoga Poses For Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Relief

Yoga Poses For Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Relief

We all know exercise does a body good. From improving cardiovascular health to helping…

What Does Cosmetic Dentistry Mean?

What Does Cosmetic Dentistry Mean?

When you hear the term ‘cosmetic dentistry’ what comes to mind? For many people,…

The Benefits of Dental Implants

The Benefits of Dental Implants

When it comes to your smile, there are many benefits. Smiling can convey happiness,…

Sleep Apnea Vs. Insomnia

Sleep Apnea Vs. Insomnia

Apples or oranges. Hot or cold. Sometimes it’s easy to know the difference between…

The Dangers Of Untreated Sleep Apnea

The Dangers Of Untreated Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea affects upwards of 26% of the population of the United States, and…

Busting Bacteria Connection Could Prevent Cavities

Busting Bacteria Connection Could Prevent Cavities

Human beings are many things: adventurers, explorers, nurturers, and discoverers, just to name a…

Top Dental Mistakes You Could Be Making

Top Dental Mistakes You Could Be Making

You’ve heard the phrases before: “nobody’s perfect” or “mistakes happen,” but what happens when…

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be Vaping

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be Vaping

Vaping. It’s becoming a popular pastime, with a full 41 million e-cigarette users worldwide…

New Study Finds More Americans Understand The Benefits Of Proper Oral Health

New Study Finds More Americans Understand The Benefits Of Proper Oral Health

Each year, opinions and knowledge of dental facts changes in the public sphere. That’s…

Warning Signs of Bruxism

Warning Signs of Bruxism

Vaping. It’s becoming a popular pastime, with a full 41 million e-cigarette users worldwide…

PTSD Could Cause TMD

PTSD Could Cause TMD

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes those downs include traumatic events…

OSA and Long COVID Risk

OSA and Long COVID Risk

If you were one of the unfortunate ones who contracted COVID-19 in the past…

New Technology Underway For Sleep Apnea Testing

New Technology Underway For Sleep Apnea Testing

Diagnosing sleep apnea isn’t as easy as it should be, and a team of…

Artificial Intelligence Could Someday Make Dental Crowns

Artificial Intelligence Could Someday Make Dental Crowns

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making headlines everywhere with its innovative methods for completing everyday…

The Many Benefits Of Braces

The Many Benefits Of Braces

If you have crooked or crowded teeth, you may feel insecure about your smile….

OSA May Cause Brain Damage In Teenagers

OSA May Cause Brain Damage In Teenagers

With so many widely-known symptoms and side effects to sleep apnea, it’s natural that…

OSA May Cause Cognitive Decline

OSA May Cause Cognitive Decline

If you have sleep apnea, you likely know that waking up is sometimes hard…

Massage For TMD

Massage For TMD

It’s safe to say that massage feels good to most of us, especially when…

Treating TMD: What Works

Treating TMD: What Works

If you suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction, you are likely already aware of the…

Oil Pulling Debunked

Oil Pulling Debunked

Trends come and go (remember mall bangs?) but some of them have more staying…

Should You Try Purple Toothpaste?

Should You Try Purple Toothpaste?

It’s safe to say most of us want whiter teeth. After all, when was…

You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

Many of our habits, such as what we eat and drink and if we…

Quick Questions About Veneers

Quick Questions About Veneers

When it comes to cosmetic dentistry products, there’s a lot of misinformation out there….

Pain Relief Options For TMJD

Pain Relief Options For TMJD

If you are one of the millions of people around the world that suffer…

Using Massage To Treat TMJD

Using Massage To Treat TMJD

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction pain can be among the most frustrating types of pain you…

Invisalign® Funds Research For Cleft Palate Treatment

Invisalign® Funds Research For Cleft Palate Treatment

According to the CDC, here in the United States approximately 1 in 1,700 children…

Invisalign® Could Use AI To Improve Treatment

Invisalign® Could Use AI To Improve Treatment

Back in 1999, orthodontic treatment had a breakthrough that has since quite literally changed…

Why Snoring Is A Sleep Apnea Red Flag

Why Snoring Is A Sleep Apnea Red Flag

If you’re like some of us, you may know someone with sleep apnea, or…

The OSA / Bone Density Link

The OSA / Bone Density Link

Sufferers of sleep apnea already have a list of challenges and odds stacked against…

Should You Brush Before Or After Breakfast?

Should You Brush Before Or After Breakfast?

When do you brush your teeth? If you’re listening to Dr. Abelar, it’s at…

One To Watch: Dental Digest

One To Watch: Dental Digest

If you are one of the 1 billion TikTok users around the globe (the…

Tap Water May Be Unsafe For Cleaning CPAP Machines

Tap Water May Be Unsafe For Cleaning CPAP Machines

We all lead busy lives, and it can be difficult to keep up with…

Sleep Apnea and Bone Density

Sleep Apnea and Bone Density

If you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, you likely know that it…

Is The Plastic In Invisalign® Safe?

Is The Plastic In Invisalign® Safe?

We get it. If you’re like many of us, you care what you put…

Protecting Brain Health Through Oral Health

Protecting Brain Health Through Oral Health

When you don’t properly care for your teeth, of course it affects many things,…

More Warnings About Braces By Mail

More Warnings About Braces By Mail

The quest for a healthier, straighter smile is one that has been around for…

Lessons From Children’s Dental Month

Lessons From Children’s Dental Month

This Children’s Dental Month, the American Dental Association shared that childhood cavities are 100…

What is Mewing and Should You Try It?

What is Mewing and Should You Try It?

If you’re one of the 1 billion (yes, you read that correctly) people around…

How Sleep Deprivation Can Affect Your Oral Health

How Sleep Deprivation Can Affect Your Oral Health

Do you find yourself struggling with frequent jaw pain that affects your daily (and…

What Can Invisalign® Correct?

What Can Invisalign® Correct?

If you’re at all familiar with orthodontics these days, you’ve likely heard of a…

Dental Health and Mental Health

Dental Health and Mental Health

The stigma surrounding mental health in America is still very prevalent in some communities….

Are Invisalign® Aligners Painful?

Are Invisalign® Aligners Painful?

When it comes to having a new dental procedure done, it’s pretty common to…

What Does That Dental Specialist Do?

What Does That Dental Specialist Do?

Dentistry is a big field. There are so many specialties that fit under the…

Three Top Celebrity Tooth Trends

Three Top Celebrity Tooth Trends

Do you follow celebrity fashion trends? It can sometimes be hard not to. After…

TMJ Dysfunction Could Be Caused By Psoriatic Arthritis

TMJ Dysfunction Could Be Caused By Psoriatic Arthritis

For the roughly 1.5 million Americans who suffer from psoriatic arthritis, the pain and…

Are Wisdom Teeth Causing My TMJ Dysfunction?

Are Wisdom Teeth Causing My TMJ Dysfunction?

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction pain can be just that: a big pain. For those who…

AAP Publishes New Oral Health Recommendations For Kids

AAP Publishes New Oral Health Recommendations For Kids

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is a nonprofit organization that works to ensure...
How To Avoid Staining Your Teeth This Winter

How To Avoid Staining Your Teeth This Winter

With winter here and cooler nights ahead, what could be better than curling up…

Invisalign® / Roblox Partnership Creates Awareness Of Clear Aligners

Invisalign® / Roblox Partnership Creates Awareness Of Clear Aligners

If you’re a parent or spend any time with kids, it’s likely that you’ve…

Severe COVID could cause OSA

Severe COVID could cause OSA

It’s safe to say it’s been a rough few years for everyone on earth….

Why Should You Get Screened For Sleep Apnea?

Why Should You Get Screened For Sleep Apnea?

As we get older, increasing our screenings for medical issues becomes a way of…

The Connection Between TMD and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

The Connection Between TMD and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

It’s pretty safe to say most of us experience physical pain in some form…

How Stress Could Be Causing Your TMD

How Stress Could Be Causing Your TMD

Stress. It’s something we’ve all dealt with, or will eventually deal with, whether we…

How to Improve Your Health in 2023

How to Improve Your Health in 2023

Are you ready to make 2023 your best year ever? Maybe you want to…

Preventing Tooth Sensitivity During The Holidays

Preventing Tooth Sensitivity During The Holidays

The holidays are a time to rejoice, gather together with friends and family, and…

Telling the Difference Between TMJ and TMJD

Telling the Difference Between TMJ and TMJD

Have you ever heard the acronyms “TMJ” or “TMJD”, but aren’t sure what they…

Is Invisalign® Better For Teens?

Is Invisalign® Better For Teens?

If you have a child who needs orthodontic treatment, it may be difficult or…

Easy Changes For Improving Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Easy Changes For Improving Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Obstructive Sleep apnea is a condition that affects millions of people around the world….

Gummy Smile? Here’s The Fix!

Gummy Smile? Here’s The Fix!

Do you have an excessively gummy smile, with little of your teeth exposed due…

Should You Get Cosmetic Edge Bonding?

Should You Get Cosmetic Edge Bonding?

Orthodontic treatment is an investment in your overall health. From the myriad benefits of…

Why Sleep Matters

Why Sleep Matters

Sleep. It’s one of the essential needs in life, along with food, water, and…

The Surprising Dangers of a “Bad Bite”

The Surprising Dangers of a “Bad Bite”

Misaligned teeth are often thought of as just a cosmetic problem, but did you…

Why You Should Try Tongue Scraping

Why You Should Try Tongue Scraping

Meta: You may have heard of tongue scraping but not know exactly what it is. Here’s a handy guide to this oral hygiene practice! You already take great care of your teeth. You brush them twice a day (at least!) for two minutes at a time (minimum!) wi…

What Could Be Causing Those Sleepless Nights?

What Could Be Causing Those Sleepless Nights?

Meta: TMJ Dysfunction could be keeping you up at night. Here’s how to tell if it isSleep is a precious commodity- one which many of us don’t get enough of, and would frequently do anything for. But with all of life’s stressors, gett…

What Can Invisalign® Treat?

What Can Invisalign® Treat?

Meta: You may have heard of Invisalign® aligners- but what do they treat? Here is a comprehensive list of the types of orthodontic issues treated by Invisalign®.The differences between Invisalign® and traditional wire and bracket braces is “clear&…

This App Could Change Invisalign®

This App Could Change Invisalign®

Meta: A new artificial intelligence function on the Invisalign® app may make treatment times shorter and more streamlined.We have apps for everything these days. From relaxation and sleep to games, music, even specialized calculators. But a new app co…

What Is Gestational Sleep Apnea?

What Is Gestational Sleep Apnea?

Meta: What is gestational sleep apnea, and what can you do to treat it?Pregnancy is often a time of great excitement and hope for the future. But while some mothers experience smooth, “easy” pregnancies, others are not so lucky. Pregnanc…

Can This Antidepressant Cure Sleep Apnea?

Can This Antidepressant Cure Sleep Apnea?

Meta: For those looking for a quick fix for sleep apnea, the drug reboxetine may someday be used to treat sleep apnea symptoms.If you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, chances are you’d do just about anything to make it go away. Between the …

How To Avoid Sensitivity With Cosmetic Whitening

How To Avoid Sensitivity With Cosmetic Whitening

Meta: Getting your teeth professionally whitened is an exciting experience, but sometimes causes tooth sensitivity. Here’s how to prevent or stop tooth sensitivity following professional teeth whitening. Do you smoke, drink alcohol like red wine, or …

What Are Orthodontic Spacers?

What Are Orthodontic Spacers?

Meta: When embarking on an orthodontic treatment, you may be prescribed spacers. Here’s everything you need to know about what is often a first step in your orthodontic journey. So, you or your child have begun the exciting journey of getting braces!…

Tmj Can Really Cause Migraines

Tmj Can Really Cause Migraines

Meta: The temporomandibular joint of the jaw may be causing those chronic migraine headaches.Sometimes things really are all in our heads. We can easily feel judged by others who aren’t judging us, or swear we saw something move out of the corn…

Tmj & The Weather

Tmj & The Weather

Meta: With the seasons changing and weather fluctuating, you can experience additional pain in your temporomandibular joint if you have TMJ dysfunction.The weather can affect us in many ways. If it’s too hot, we sweat, we’re uncomfortable…

How To Prevent Bad Breath

How To Prevent Bad Breath

Meta: Here’s how you can prevent occasional bad breath. Bad breath strikes all of us at one time or another. Whether we missed a brushing (oops!), are taking a medicine that causes changes to the oral microbiome, or had a particularly strong meal it’…

Should You Choose Invisalign® Or Wire Braces?

Should You Choose Invisalign® Or Wire Braces?

Meta: If you are embarking on orthodontic treatment, here are some considerations to make before deciding on Invisalign® or traditional braces. Are your teeth out of alignment or crooked? Do you have a ‘bad bite’? Are you tired of hiding your smile an…

Sleep Apnea Treatment May Reduce Falls

Sleep Apnea Treatment May Reduce Falls

Meta: Slipping and falling can be dangerous for seniors, but seniors with sleep apnea can lower their risk of slipping and falling with proper sleep apnea treatmentAs we age, certain things can become more dangerous than they were in our youth. For e…

Sleep Apnea In Kids

Sleep Apnea In Kids

Meta: Sleep apnea is typically thought to be a grown ups condition, but it can affect up to one in five children, too. Sleep apnea, or obstructive sleep apnea, is typically thought to be an adult condition. Statistically, the typical sleep apnea pati…

How To Keep Your Teeth White After A Professional Whitening Treatment

How To Keep Your Teeth White After A Professional Whitening Treatment

Meta: If your teeth are stained or discolored, a professional whitening treatment from Dr. Abelar can remove some staining and discoloration. Your “before” teeth may have been discolored and stained, but you just received the ultimate glow up with a …

What Are Veneers?

What Are Veneers?

Meta: Are you looking to correct minor imperfections in your smile? Consider getting veneers from Dr. Martin Abelar Do you suffer from chipped or cracked teeth? Do you have a gap or gaps between teeth that are bothering you? Do you have excessive sta…

Why Invisalign® Is Better Than Braces By Mail

Why Invisalign® Is Better Than Braces By Mail

Meta: Many people think that getting braces by mail is a better alternative to Invisalign®, but here’s why braces by mail is a dangerous idea.We live in a ‘Prime’ kind of world, where we get a lot of packages, and we expect them pret…

5 Benefits Of Invisalign®

5 Benefits Of Invisalign®

Meta: Wondering if you should get Invisalign®? Here are five benefits to getting this innovative orthodontic treatment you may not have considered.Getting braces as an adult isn’t really on many people’s list of things they can’t wai…

Should You Chew Gum For A More Defined Jawline?

Should You Chew Gum For A More Defined Jawline?

Meta: An internet rumor is going around that chewing gum will give you a more defined jawline. But is this the truth?There’s yet another viral trend going around on the internet that promises to make you look and feel better about yourself, but…

Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Tmj Dysfunction?

Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Tmj Dysfunction?

Meta: You may think that TMJ dysfunction and wisdom teeth are related, but here’s why they aren’t.Do you have TMJ dysfunction? If you do, you are likely familiar with the jaw pain, popping and clicking of the jaw, tinnitus, occasional dif…

Veteran Calls For Sleep Apnea Testing For Military Recruits

Veteran Calls For Sleep Apnea Testing For Military Recruits

Meta: A military Veteran is calling for new recruits to have sleep apnea testing before entering the military.After a recent study found that many military officers and truck drivers have undiagnosed sleep apnea that could be causing dangerous or dea…

What Happens At A Sleep Study?

What Happens At A Sleep Study?

Meta: There’s no need to be afraid of a prescribed sleep study.You’re not feeling quite right. You’re tired during the day despite getting what you think is a good night’s sleep. You do wake frequently, but you fall back to sl…

The Most Dangerous Foods And Drinks For Your Teeth

The Most Dangerous Foods And Drinks For Your Teeth

Meta: Here are some of the worst foods for your teeth, as listed by the New York Times.One of the most common questions people have when they have cavities is “what am I doing wrong?” Especially when they take good care of their teeth bet…

What Are Turkey Teeth?

What Are Turkey Teeth?

Meta: A new trend going viral on social media called “Turkey teeth” has dentists concerned.We’ve heard of some weird internet trends before (remember the cinnamon challenge?), but this new trend sounds pretty strange. It’s cal…

Copd And Sleep Apnea

Copd And Sleep Apnea

For the millions of people around the world who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea or OSA, it can seem like enough of a struggle without the added trouble of chronic obstructive lung disease, or COPD. When both conditions are present, it’s cal…

Does Tmj Cause Tinnitus?

Does Tmj Cause Tinnitus?

If you experience frequent unexplained sounds in your ears such as humming, ringing, or buzzing, you could be suffering from a common condition called tinnitus. While tinnitus has many causes, it is most commonly associated with aging, and becomes mo…

Getting Ready For Fall Photos

Getting Ready For Fall Photos

It’s almost that time of year again! Fall! Bring on the pumpkin spice lattes, oversized scarves, and knee boots and head to that pumpkin patch for your annual family hay ride. But don’t forget – it’s also picture season. In fact, fall may be the most…

How To Care For Invisalign®

How To Care For Invisalign®

If you are getting Invisalign® clear aligners to straighten your teeth, here are some tips for caring for your aligners to extend their wear and protecting your teeth.

Cpap Recall? We Can Help!

Cpap Recall? We Can Help!

Believe it or not, it’s been about a staggering two years since many CPAP machines were recalled for containing a dangerous foam product which could cause medical problems if inhaled, and many patients who relied upon those machines are still w…

Should You Get Veneers?

Should You Get Veneers?

For those with damage to their teeth, porcelain veneers may be the perfect solution to improving the look and feel of the smile

What Is Tmj Disorder?

What Is Tmj Disorder?

Do you suffer from unexplained jaw pain? Whether it be tightness or soreness in the jaw, a clicking or popping sound when you open the jaw to speak, chew, or breathe, or pain that is worsened by activities like speaking or chewing, you could be suffe…

All About Invisalign®

All About Invisalign®

For adults looking for discreet braces, Invisalign® clear aligners may be the perfect solution

New Study Shows Oral Health Preventative Care Saves Money

New Study Shows Oral Health Preventative Care Saves Money

A new study has found that preventative oral health care saves money overall.It’s safe to say we all like a bargain. From cutting coupons to sales and freebies, if we can save a little, especially these days, it’s a big deal. Pun intende…

Oral Health And Your Student

Oral Health And Your Student

With back to school upon us, it’s important to get your student’s oral health in check! With kids and teens heading back to school, it’s important to start brushing up (pun intended!) on your skills- namely your oral health facts. For example, did yo…

Dental Health And Psoriatic Arthritis

Dental Health And Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a serious condition which could cause or be caused by periodontal disease.If you have psoriasis, you are at an increased risk of developing an illness known as psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis will strike an estimated …

The Connection Between Your Teeth And Overall Health

The Connection Between Your Teeth And Overall Health

There is a strong connection between your oral health and your total overall health. Here’s why that’s important.Our health is probably our most important asset. After all, if we don’t have our health, what do we have? But unfortun…

Sleep Apnea May Increase Symptoms Of Hypertension

Sleep Apnea May Increase Symptoms Of Hypertension

If you have high blood pressure or hypertension, you already know how it can affect your daily life. Unfortunately there’s one more way it could be negatively affecting you, especially if your blood pressure is high enough to require treatment …

5 Tips For A More Restful Night If You Have Sleep Apnea

5 Tips For A More Restful Night If You Have Sleep Apnea

If you have sleep apnea , try these five tips for getting a better night’s sleep If you have obstructive sleep apnea or OSA, you probably already know a restful night’s sleep is a hard thing to come by. What with the breathing issues, and the constan…

Obstructive Sleep Apnea More Prevalent In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Obstructive Sleep Apnea More Prevalent In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

A new study has found that children with less severe symptoms of autism spectrum disorder are more likely to be diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea.A recent study in the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology has revealed that chil…

Sleep Apnea Could Be Caused By Obesity

Sleep Apnea Could Be Caused By Obesity

The obesity epidemic is said to be increasing cases of obstructive sleep apnea across the country.Obesity in America is a real problem. In fact, it’s reached such heights that it is now considered an epidemic. Unfortunately, obesity in itself …

Food Insecurity Related To Poor Oral Health In Pregnant Women

Food Insecurity Related To Poor Oral Health In Pregnant Women

General Dentistry Schedule an AppointmentPregnancy is a time of great changes that require extra care to the teeth and gums.Food insecurity is a growing problem here in America and around the world, and unfortunately with soaring food prices, it may …

How Your Mental Health Affects Your Oral Health

How Your Mental Health Affects Your Oral Health

General Dentistry Schedule an AppointmentMental illnesses like depression can affect your oral health, too.Our mental health is an often overlooked component of our overall health. It affects everything from our mood to our ability to function, and p…

What Is Transient Lingual Papillitis?

What Is Transient Lingual Papillitis?

Teeth Cleaning Schedule an AppointmentTransient lingual papillitis or TLP is a condition which affects 50 percent of Americans, but they may not even realize it.It may not exactly be a household name, but the condition transient lingual papillitis af…

Oral Piercings And Your Oral Health

Oral Piercings And Your Oral Health

TMJ Schedule an AppointmentOral piercings are a growing trend that could be detrimental to your oral health.Oral piercings are an accessory that is growing in popularity these days. You or your teen may even already have one. But while this fashion s…

Sleep Apnea And Weight Loss

Sleep Apnea And Weight Loss

Sleep Apnea Schedule an AppointmentA new study has found that weight loss can help reduce the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea.For millions of people around the world, “getting healthier” means diet and exercise improvements. By improvin…

Cholesterol And Sleep Apnea

Cholesterol And Sleep Apnea

There are many things that can affect your cholesterol. From your diet to your exercise habits and even if you smoke cigarettes, your cholesterol can often be a direct reflection of your lifestyle choices (though some is affected by genetics). But wh…

Should You Try A Sleep Apnea Diagnosis App?

Should You Try A Sleep Apnea Diagnosis App?

There’s no denying that apps on our smart devices have made our lives a great deal easier. From dog boarding to GPS, if there’s a need for it, there’s generally an app for it. But some apps are more useful than others. One new type …

Check Your Oral Health Before Surgery

Check Your Oral Health Before Surgery

Preparing yourself for a surgical procedure should always include an oral health exam.Preparing for a surgical procedure is an important step in anyone’s healing process. Making sure you have your supplies and prescriptions ready to go prior to…

Sleep Apnea May Prematurely Age You

Sleep Apnea May Prematurely Age You

If you’re like many people, you want to ward off the hands of time and reduce signs of aging. Whether it’s using lotions and potions, plastic surgery, diet and exercise, or other means, Americans spend billions each year trying to stay youthful…

Osa May Cause Joint Pain In Postmenopausal Women

Osa May Cause Joint Pain In Postmenopausal Women

Menopause is a time of big changes to the body. Unfortunately, according to a new study, one of those changes may be obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The study was published in Menopause, the journal of the North American Menopause Society, and reveale…

Osa May Contribute To Chronic Kidney Disease

Osa May Contribute To Chronic Kidney Disease

A new study has linked obstructive sleep apnea to chronic kidney disease.

Study Finds That Seniors Delayed Dental Care During The Pandemic

Study Finds That Seniors Delayed Dental Care During The Pandemic

A new study has found that senior citizens put off oral health care more than any other type of medical care during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Dangers Of Vaping On High Heat

The Dangers Of Vaping On High Heat

Another study has revealed the dangers of vaping with e-cigarettes on high heat on the oral cavity.

The Effects Of Sugary Food And Carbs On The Body

The Effects Of Sugary Food And Carbs On The Body

You are what you eat, as they say. Unfortunately that means if you eat foods high in sugar and carbohydrates, your overall health may be compromised. That’s what a new study has found. The study, which was conducted by the University of Buffalo…

Sleep Apnea Poses Additional Risks In Seniors

Sleep Apnea Poses Additional Risks In Seniors

A new study has found that seniors are at an increased risk of dangerous driving when sleep apnea is present.

Sleep Apnea And Black Men

Sleep Apnea And Black Men

Sleep apnea has been found to cause death more frequently in black men than in other groups.

Oral Health Connected To Heart Health In Older Women

Oral Health Connected To Heart Health In Older Women

Our bodies are an interconnected set of systems that often affect each other in ways we do not yet understand. For example, conditions like sleep apnea can affect conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease – but neither condition is a bre…

Smoking And Your Oral Health

Smoking And Your Oral Health

Smoking cigarettes is dangerous to your oral health, too.

Pandemic Stress And Your Oral Health

Pandemic Stress And Your Oral Health

The pandemic is causing oral health-related stress problems. Here are just a few.

How Depression And Anxiety Can Harm Your Oral Health

How Depression And Anxiety Can Harm Your Oral Health

Depression and anxiety can ruin your oral health. Here’s how.

Dry Mouth Could Be An Alzheimer’S Indicator

Dry Mouth Could Be An Alzheimer’S Indicator

We all get dry mouth from time to time. Whether we’re just parched, taking a medication that dries our mouth out, or mouth-breathing due to snoring or an illness, chances are we will experience the discomfort of dry mouth at least once in our l…

Osa Risk May Increase In Postmenopausal Women

Osa Risk May Increase In Postmenopausal Women

As we get older, we sometimes begin to accept certain things as facts of life. Gray hair, fine lines, and feeling fatigued even after a full-night’s sleep are all things many of us accept as just a normal (albeit frustrating) part of aging. Bu…

Osa Linked To Gerd

Osa Linked To Gerd

A new study has found a connection between GERD and OSA.

Obesity Reduction Psychotherapy May Reduce Osa Symptoms

Obesity Reduction Psychotherapy May Reduce Osa Symptoms

A new study has linked obesity reduction psychotherapy to a reduction in obstructive sleep apnea symptoms.

The Link Between Oral Health And Your Heart

The Link Between Oral Health And Your Heart

Researchers and dentists have discovered a link between oral health and heart health.

Children With Heart Conditions May Have Poor Oral Health

Children With Heart Conditions May Have Poor Oral Health, Too

Children who suffer from heart conditions have been found to have higher instances of poor oral health.

When It Comes To Oral Health

When It Comes To Oral Health, Don’T Forget Your Pet!

Meta: Get the most from your oral health routine with this dental advice!

The Dangers Of Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

The Dangers Of Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

Along with the joys of pregnancy, there can also be side effects that are cause for concern. Things like gestational diabetes, pregnancy gingivitis, preeclampsia, and now a new study is highlighting the dangers of another pregnancy-related illness: s…

Chewing Sugarless Gum During Pregnancy

Chewing Sugarless Gum During Pregnancy

Meta: Chewing gum during pregnancy may help prevent premature birth.

Sleep Apnea And Childrens’ Weight

Sleep Apnea And Childrens’ Weight

Meta: Your child’s weight could be affecting their sleep apnea.

How Do I Know If My Child Is Brushing Well Enough?

How Do I Know If My Child Is Brushing Well Enough?

Meta: Some quick ways to tell if your child is brushing their teeth well enough to prevent cavities and gingivitis

Happy Children’S Dental Health Month!

Happy Children’S Dental Health Month!

We all know that oral health is important for people of all ages but did you know that it’s especially important for children? In fact, people assume that since their children have baby teeth those teeth aren’t as important to protect bec…

The Importance Of Oral Health In Pregnancy

The Importance Of Oral Health In Pregnancy

Meta: Maintaining your oral health during pregnancy can be important in protecting yourself and your baby.

Easy Ways To Improve Your Oral Health In 2022

Easy Ways To Improve Your Oral Health In 2022

Meta: If one of your resolutions is to get better control of your oral health, here are some tips for getting your mouth in shape in 2022.

The Hidden Dangers Of Toothpicks

The Hidden Dangers Of Toothpicks

It happens to all of us. You’re eating something delicious, minding your own business, and just like that you’ve got a little food stuck between your teeth. But how do you get that food out and restore that beautiful smile? For many of us…

New Study Finds Connection Between Poor Oral Health And Other Illnesses

New Study Finds Connection Between Poor Oral Health And Other Illnesses

You’ve heard it before: poor oral hygiene leads to poor oral health, including cavities and gum disease. But unfortunately, what you may not realize is that it sometimes the damage of poor oral health goes way beyond your mouth. It’s true…

Dental Health And Mental Health

Dental Health And Mental Health

Meta: Your mental health can take a toll on your body – including on your oral health.

The Dangers Of The Social Media Mouth Taping Trend

The Dangers Of The Social Media Mouth Taping Trend

Social media has given us some crazy ideas in recent years. From ridiculous challenges to dangerous medical misinformation, there’s a new trend every week, and some of them are downright bad. Take for example the newest trend: mouth taping.Some…

6 Weight Loss Tips For Improving Sleep Apnea Symptoms

6 Weight Loss Tips For Improving Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Meta: Losing weight can be hard, but these tips can help get you to a healthier weight and improve your sleep apnea symptoms.

6 Things That Worsen Sleep Apnea

6 Things That Worsen Sleep Apnea

Meta: Here are 6 behaviors that worsen sleep apnea symptoms.

Bone Density And Oral Health

Bone Density And Oral Health

Meta: Your oral health condition may affect your bone density

The Connection Between Diabetes And Oral Health

The Connection Between Diabetes And Oral Health

If you’ve heard of diabetes you likely have heard of the struggles many diabetics face to control sugars and stay active and healthy. But another problem many diabetics face that may come as a surprise to those without (and with!) diabetes is t…

Oral Health And Quality Of Life

Oral Health And Quality Of Life

Meta: Diabetes is a serious condition which can affect your oral health, too.

Beyond Snoring: Warning Signs Of Sleep Apnea

Beyond Snoring: Warning Signs Of Sleep Apnea

Meta: Snoring is a common complaint among those with sleep apnea, but there are other dangerous warning signs you could have this sleep disorder.

Should You Remove Your Tonsils To Stop Snoring

Should You Remove Your Tonsils To Stop Snoring

Meta: Do tonsillectomies really work for reducing snoring caused by sleep apnea?

Sleep Apnea And Genetics

Sleep Apnea And Genetics

Meta: Genetics may determine a role in whether or not we have obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea And Coronary Plaque

Sleep Apnea And Coronary Plaque

Meta: A new study has found a connection between sleep apnea and coronary plaque.

Bariatric Surgery And Sleep Apnea

Bariatric Surgery And Sleep Apnea

Meta: Studies have shown that treating sleep apnea has positive outcomes with bariatric surgery patients

Oral Health News You May Have Missed

Oral Health News You May Have Missed

Not sure what’s going on in the world of oral health? Here are a few stories from around the globe!A recent study has found that older Hispanics do not get the same breadth of oral health care as other ethnic groups, leading to a health crisis …

Are You Getting The Most From Your Oral Health Routine?

Are You Getting The Most From Your Oral Health Routine?

We work hard every day. Naturally, we want to get the most out of every moment. That includes our oral health routine. But how do you know if you’re getting the most out of your oral health when you’re not at the dentist? Here are some tips for maxim…

The Dangers Of Asthma On Your Oral Health

The Dangers Of Asthma On Your Oral Health

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that approximately eight percent of Americans suffer from the condition known as asthma. Asthma occurs when the airways narrow and become swollen or coated in mucous, making it difficult to breathe. Bu…

Oral Health

Oral Health, Covid-19, And Heart Health

Meta: A new study has found a link between COVID-19 severity, heart health, and oral health.

Great Oral Health Is Easier Than You Think!

Great Oral Health Is Easier Than You Think!

It’s normal in life to get frustrated and discouraged – especially when you’re not sure how to care for your oral health. But it doesn’t have to be a challenge. Great oral health starts at home and literally takes less than ten minutes a day – someth…

Sleep Apnea And White Matter Hyperintensities

Sleep Apnea And White Matter Hyperintensities

It sure sounds like a mouthful: white matter hyperintensities. But what are they? White matter hyperintensities are lesions on the brain that could indicate aging of the brain and could be a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease. These indicators ar…

Diet And Exercise Could Eliminate Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Diet And Exercise Could Eliminate Sleep Apnea Symptoms

A recent study from the School of Arts, Science and Humanities at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil may have some excellent news for those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. Following a study of 47 people with obstructive sleep apnea (or OS…

Chronic Urticaria And Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Chronic Urticaria And Obstructive Sleep Apnea

If you suffer from chronic urticaria or persistent chronic hives, researchers believe you could be at a higher risk for another condition: obstructive sleep apnea. Chronic urticaria can be caused by several things, including physical, autoimmune, al…

Oral Health Care With Braces

Oral Health Care With Braces

Meta: Caring for your teeth and braces doesn’t have to be complicated with these oral hygiene tips.

The Hidden Dangers Of A Tooth Infection

The Hidden Dangers Of A Tooth Infection

Sometimes, we don’t take as great care of our teeth as we should, and sometimes despite our best efforts, we get tooth problems. From cavities to chips and cracks, there is no shortage of tooth ailments. But one particular problem, a tooth infe…

Surprising Warning Signs Of Sleep Apnea

Surprising Warning Signs Of Sleep Apnea

You probably have heard some of the more common warning signs of the sleep disorder sleep apnea, like snoring, making gasping or choking noises, and waking up repeatedly throughout the night. But did you know that there are many other warning signs t…

These Childhood Illnesses Could Increase Osa Risk In Children

These Childhood Illnesses Could Increase Osa Risk In Children

Obstructive sleep apnea or OSA is a sleep disorder that affects millions of people around the world. Though most common in adults, it can also affect children. Sleep apnea is defined as the stopping and restarting of breathing during sleep. This is m…

These 5 Behaviors Could Worsen Sleep Apnea

These 5 Behaviors Could Worsen Sleep Apnea

Each night, millions of Americans suffer from a dangerous condition called obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by a blockage to the airway during sleep. It occurs because when lying flat, part of the airway closes, caus…

How To Prevent Mask Mouth During The Pandemic

Meta: Combat some of the negative effects of wearing a mask on your oral health.

Oral Care Secrets For Healthier Teeth

Oral Care Secrets For Healthier Teeth

Meta: These oral health secrets will give you healthier, whiter teeth!

Dental Health For The Digital Age

Dental Health For The Digital Age

There’s no denying we live in an increasingly digital age. From 5G to space races and self-driving cars, technology can do wonders. But technology is for everyone, not just a select few- and it can really make our lives easier. Take our oral he…

Great Oral Health May Prevent Stroke

Great Oral Health May Prevent Stroke

An estimated 795,000 Americans have a stroke each year. A stroke is an event in which the blood supply to the brain is prevented or reduced, causing oxygen and nutrients to be blocked from entering the brain. While it is not known what exactly causes…

Is Social Media To Blame For Odontophobia?

Is Social Media To Blame For Odontophobia?

It’s called “odontophobia,” or the fear of the dentist, and it’s more common than you might think. In fact, it is estimated that upwards of 70 percent of all adults in the United States have some degree of fear of the dentist!…

Caring For Teeth When School Is In Session

Caring For Teeth When School Is In Session

Meta: Back to school doesn’t have to mean neglecting your child’s oral health. Here’s how you can ensure your child keeps that healthy smile all year long.

Could This Soda Ingredient Be Harming Your Teeth?

Could This Soda Ingredient Be Harming Your Teeth?

If there’s one thing that cools us off and refreshes us on a hot day, it’s a tall, fizzy glass of soda. No matter what you call it (soda, pop, tonic) it’s a pretty popular drink here in America, with 48 percent of adults drinking at least one glass p…

Cavities And Oral Bacteria

Cavities And Oral Bacteria

You brush your teeth regularly, careful to get every tooth. You floss diligently, between every tooth as well. You even rinse with mouthwash to help loosen debris, kill bacteria, and freshen your breath and eat a diet low in sugar and carbohydrates. …

Another Social Media Danger To Oral Health

Another Social Media Danger To Oral Health

Meta: A new social media trend has people risking their teeth to treat them with dangerous DIY methods.

Oral Health Care Is Out Of This World!

Oral Health Care Is Out Of This World!

If you watch the news, you may have noticed there’s a lot going on in space lately, with companies like Elon Musk’s SpaceX launching into uncharted territory and captivating our attention. But it’s not just billionaires blasting off…

Periodontitis Could Affect Parkinson’S Disease

Periodontitis Could Affect Parkinson’S Disease

Meta: A South Korean study has found a link between Parkinson’s Disease and Periodontitis.

Plants For Oral Health?

Plants For Oral Health?

Meta: There are many plants and herbs that are beneficial for our oral health.

Tooth Loss And Cognitive Impairment

Tooth Loss And Cognitive Impairment

Meta: There are many plants and herbs that are beneficial for our oral health.

Managing Diabetes Through Oral Health

Managing Diabetes Through Oral Health

A recent study from the Netherlands found that when doctors took the time to intervene in diabetic patients’ oral care habits, the patients reaped the rewards. Doctors across the country were instructed to assist some patients with oral health tips a…

Do We Really Need Toothpaste?

Do We Really Need Toothpaste?

Meta: People are wondering if we really need to brush with toothpaste, or is simply brushing your teeth enough

Tiktok Mouthwash Video Goes Viral

Tiktok Mouthwash Video Goes Viral

Facebook:When is the best time to use mouthwash?Is Mouthwash dangerous?Why mouthwash after brushing may be too lateMouthwash do’s and don’tsEven if you don’t use it, you may have heard of an app called TikTok. TikTok is a viral vide…

Don’T Eat That! Summer Food Alternatives That Are Good For Your Teeth

Don’T Eat That! Summer Food Alternatives That Are Good For Your Teeth

Summer is here, and so too is summer food season. Whether it’s the boardwalk, the barbecue, the carnival or the ice cream truck, summer has no shortage of delectable treats we don’t typically get during the rest of the year- and that’s probably for t…

Cpap Machines Could Cause Dry-Eye

Cpap Machines Could Cause Dry-Eye

Do you use a CPAP machine to treat your sleep apnea? Do you notice that you have constantly dry eyes, that you are frequently rubbing your eyes, or that your eyes feel uncomfortable, even during the day? You could have a condition called Dry Eye Dise…

Cpap Recall Alert

Cpap Recall Alert

if you use a Royal Phillips Respironics brand CPAP machine, your machine could be part of a massive recall affecting thousands of machines by this manufacturer. The machines are said to have an insulating foam that could cause cancer if inhaled. Say…

Prescription Medications May Cause Oral Health Problems In Younger Adults

Prescription Medications May Cause Oral Health Problems In Younger Adults

If you are a young adult or the guardian of a young adult, there’s an emerging study on the importance of full disclosure when it comes to your medical history you may want to pay attention to.The study was conducted by the Indianapolis, Indian…

New Study Could Help Parkinson’S Patients’ Oral Health

New Study Could Help Parkinson’S Patients’ Oral Health

If you are one of the millions of people worldwide with Parkinson’s Disease, you have likely at some point searched for ways to make life a little easier on yourself and to be more independent. A new study has found that certain steps can help…

Family Oral Health Tips

Family Oral Health Tips

As parents, we know getting kids on board with certain things can be like, well, pulling teeth. Ironically, that includes oral hygiene. After all, flossing and brushing isn’t always the most fun part of the day. But it doesn’t have to be a struggle, …

Surprising Causes Of Periodontitis

Surprising Causes Of Periodontitis

Periodontal disease is a serious oral health condition that affects millions of American adults each year. It’s not only painful and can be unsightly, but it can also cause many more problems throughout the body, including diabetes, heart disease, an…

Why Flossing Is So Important

Why Flossing Is So Important

Let’s be honest here: flossing your teeth isn’t exactly the most fun part of your daily routine. But like eating and breathing, it’s pretty important to our oral and overall health. While many people think they can get by on simply …

Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Children May Increase High Blood Pressure Risk

Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Children May Increase High Blood Pressure Risk

While not as common in teens and children, obstructive sleep apnea is still a problem plaguing at least ten percent of children in the United States. More typically associated with older and obese adults, obstructive sleep apnea affects millions of p…

Sleep Apnea And Heart Disease Are A Dangerous Combination

Sleep Apnea And Heart Disease Are A Dangerous Combination

Obstructive sleep apnea and heart disease can be a deadly combination. That’s because sleep apnea has been found in clinical studies to worsen the already dangerous heart disease, according to the journal of the American Heart Association, Circ…

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Could Change Vision

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Could Change Vision

We often don’t think about our mouths affecting the rest of our bodies. Sure, we use our mouths to eat, which fuels the body, but beyond that, many of us probably don’t realize how closely connected our mouths and oral health are tied together.For ex…

5 Vitamins For Better Oral Health

5 Vitamins For Better Oral Health

There have been a lot of new so-called dental vitamins introduced to the market this year, promising all sorts of things like reduced gum disease symptoms and fewer cavities. Often, these vitamins come at a high cost, and they may not even do anythin…

Should You Splurge On Designer Toothpaste?

Should You Splurge On Designer Toothpaste?

Prestige beauty is a billion-dollar-a-year industry around the world. People want to feel like they’re getting something special, and thus are willing to spend a little more for products they perceive as more luxurious or ‘status.’ With a renewed foc…

The Pesky Problem Of Bad Breath

The Pesky Problem Of Bad Breath

Bad breath. Nobody wants it, and sometimes it can be nearly impossible to tell we have it. That makes treating bad breath especially difficult. But if you do know you have bad breath or suspect you might, then the mystery can revolve around why you h…

Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth

Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth

You’ve probably already heard of the many foods that are bad for our teeth. Sticky candies, gum with sugar, crunchy, carb-laden foods like potato chips, sugary sodas, and alcohol, just to name a few! But did you know there are foods that are actually…

Oral Health Can Affect Self Esteem

Oral Health Can Affect Self Esteem

Have you ever thought about how our smile and the condition and positioning of our teeth makes an impact on our entire life? It’s true! A less than ideal smile can not just harm your self-esteem and self-confidence, it can cause you many other proble…

The Tmj Dysfunction / Migraine Headache Link

The Tmj Dysfunction / Migraine Headache Link

TMJ dysfunction is a painful condition of the jaw that causes head and neck pain in various forms. Everything from the inability to open and close one’s mouth to tinnitus of the ears and even migraine headaches are common side-effects of TMJ (temporo…

Correcting A Gap Between Teeth

Correcting A Gap Between Teeth

Having a gap between your front teeth can be a negative or a positive attribute, depending on who you ask. For some, they consider their teeth part of their persona, and wouldn’t change their gap for any reason. For others, a gap between the teeth ma…

The Smile Virtual Visit

The Smile Virtual Visit

The Smile Virtual dental consultation allows you to visit the dentist virtually.

All About The Oral Health For Moms Act

All About The Oral Health For Moms Act

New legislation states that pregnant women should take extra care of their teeth and gums.

Good Oral Hygiene May Prevent Heart Infection

Good Oral Hygiene May Prevent Heart Infection

You may no longer need antibiotics prior to certain dental procedures if your heart is in good health

Oral Health May Affect Covid-19 Severity

Oral Health May Affect Covid-19 Severity

A new study has revealed that poor oral health may contribute to dangerous COVID-19 symptoms.

Ada Sees Increase In Stress-Related Dental Woes

Ada Sees Increase In Stress-Related Dental Woes

A recent ADA survey has found that there has been a marked increase in stress-related dental issues since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Viral Tiktok Video Shows Dangers Of Botox To Treat Tmj Dysfunction

Viral Tiktok Video Shows Dangers Of Botox To Treat Tmj Dysfunction

A viral video shows the dangers of using injectables to treat temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

Treating Sleep Apnea Could Reduce Alzheimer’S And Dementia Risk

Treating Sleep Apnea Could Reduce Alzheimer’S And Dementia Risk

A new study has found that treating OSA may reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in older patients.

Cpap Therapy May Lead To Increased Weight With Poor Compliance

Cpap Therapy May Lead To Increased Weight With Poor Compliance

A new study has found that using CPAP therapy may have negative effects on your BMI.

Cpap Therapy May Not Be As Effective As Initially Thought

Cpap Therapy May Not Be As Effective As Initially Thought

A new study has found that CPAP therapy may not be as effective in the long term as initially thought.

Migraines And Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Migraines And Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Your temporomandibular joint dysfunction could be causing migraine headaches

Oral Health Medicaid Programs Show Improvements In Job Search And Employment

Oral Health Medicaid Programs Show Improvements In Job Search And Employment

A recent study found that job applicants with improved oral health had better employment outcomes once their oral health improved.

The Effects Of Poor Oral Health Over Time

The Effects Of Poor Oral Health Over Time

A new study has found that neglecting your oral health damages your teeth and gums faster than initially thought.

Alcohol Consumption Could Increase Oral Health Problems

Alcohol Consumption Could Increase Oral Health Problems

Consuming alcohol to deal with stress during the pandemic is dangerous to your oral health.

Caring For Oral Health With Parkinson’S Disease

Caring For Oral Health With Parkinson’S Disease

Patients with Parkinson’s disease require special oral health care.

Oral Health And Heart Disease

Oral Health And Heart Disease

Doctors have found a link between oral health and heart disease.

Dealing With Dental Anxiety

Dealing With Dental Anxiety

Don’t let dental anxiety keep you from receiving the oral health care you need.

Covid-19 And Tmj Dysfunction

Covid-19 And Tmj Dysfunction

If you’ve had COVID-19, you could now be suffering from TMJ dysfunction, too.

The Same Day Crown

The Same Day Crown

Same day crowns cut down the time on dental crown procedures.

Why Choose Sedation Dentistry?

Why Choose Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a comfortable way to eliminate pain and anxiety during your dental visit.

Tongue Tie In Adults

Tongue Tie In Adults

Tongue tie isn’t just an idiom, it’s a medical condition.

Sleep Apnea And Cognitive Function

Sleep Apnea And Cognitive Function

A new study has found that sleep apnea affects cognitive function.

Social Influencers And Veneers

Social Influencers And Veneers

Social influencers are causing a boom in patients wanting veneers.

Psoriasis And Your Oral Health

Psoriasis And Your Oral Health

Your oral health could be making your psoriasis worse.

Why Fashion Braces Are Out Of Style

Why Fashion Braces Are Out Of Style

A new trend has people getting ‘fashion braces’ from untrained professionals, putting their teeth in jeopardy.

New Study Examines Nature Vs. Nurture In Cavities

New Study Examines Nature Vs. Nurture In Cavities

A new study aimed at determining whether teeth are more prone to cavities thanks to genetics has found that genetics probably don’t play as much of a role in the development of dental caries as experts first thought.The study was conducted by the Uni…

Back-To-School Oral Health Packing List

Back-To-School Oral Health Packing List

Believe it or not, fall is right around the corner and so too is either the most wonderful or most dreaded time of year, depending on who you ask. It’s back-to-school season – time to start thinking about what to send your college kid back to school …

Why Wearing Prescribed Retainers Is So Important

Why Wearing Prescribed Retainers Is So Important

Retainers. Love them or hate them, they serve an important purpose. Yes, they keep your teeth aligned, that we all know. But did you know there are a multitude of other reasons you should continue to wear that retainer, even when you don’t really wan…

Does Botox For Tmj Dysfunction Really Work?

Does Botox For Tmj Dysfunction Really Work?

Many people are turning to Botox to treat temporomandibular joint dysfunction, but does it work?

Easy Ways To Boost Your Family’S Oral Health

Easy Ways To Boost Your Family’S Oral Health

If you’ve resolved to take better care of your family’s oral health in the new year, here are some tips for ensuring your dental health is a priority.

Covid Tongue Could Be A New Coronavirus Symptom

Covid Tongue Could Be A New Coronavirus Symptom

If you’ve resolved to take better care of your family’s oral health in the new year, here are some tips for ensuring your dental health is a priority.

Is Your Stress Causing Jaw Clenching?

Is Your Stress Causing Jaw Clenching?

Unprecedented stress is causing a rise in teeth and jaw clenching. Here’s how to treat this problem.

Sleep Apnea Could Cause Infertility In Men

Sleep Apnea Could Cause Infertility In Men

A new study has found that sleep apnea may cause infertility in men

Sleep Apnea And Truck Drivers: A Dangerous Combination

Sleep Apnea And Truck Drivers: A Dangerous Combination

A new study has found that truck drivers are at risk for sleep apnea, and that could be putting them at higher risks on the road.

February Is National Children’S Dental Health Month

February Is National Children’S Dental Health Month

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month and this year’s theme is Water, Nature’s Drink.

The Dental Vitamins Trend

The Dental Vitamins Trend

Dental vitamins are a new trend- but are they worth the investment?

Gum Disease And Ckd

Gum Disease And Ckd

Doctors have further examined the link between CKD and periodontitis and found some ways to reduce your risk of kidney failure.

Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 Update

Here’s what Dr. Abelar’s office is doing to help reduce the transmission of COVID-19, and why you should keep your regular dental appointment.

Do You Need Oral Health Vitamins?

Do You Need Oral Health Vitamins?

Oral health vitamins are expensive and could be unnecessary.

Smoking Could Worsen Tmj Dysfunction

Smoking Could Worsen Tmj Dysfunction

If you have arthritis or fibromyalgia you could be worsening your TMJ dysfunction symptoms by smoking cigarettes.

Smart Device May Someday Monitor Sleep

Smart Device May Someday Monitor Sleep

Amazon is developing a new smart device that could someday monitor your sleep and check for sleep apnea.

Why Sugar Hurts

Why Sugar Hurts

Consuming sugar can sometimes cause pain in the teeth. Here’s why.

Things To Avoid Chewing

Things To Avoid Chewing

Here’s a list of a few things you shouldn’t chew on to maintain your oral health

Don’T Trust Viral Videos With Dental Information

Don’T Trust Viral Videos With Dental Information

Watching viral social media videos is a bad source of information about oral health procedures.

Can You Heal A Cavity?

Can You Heal A Cavity?

What are dental cavities, and can you heal them on your own?

Periodontal Disease Could Cause Metabolic Syndrome

Periodontal Disease Could Cause Metabolic Syndrome

Having periodontal disease could increase your risk of having metabolic syndrome, which could contribute to diabetes and heart disease.

More Dental Mysteries Solved

More Dental Mysteries Solved

Answers to a few dental questions you may or may not have realized you have!

Getting Employees To Use Dental Benefits

Getting Employees To Use Dental Benefits

Here are some practical ways to encourage employees to use their dental benefits

All About Gingival Embrasures

All About Gingival Embrasures

What are gingival embrasures, and what can you do to protect yourself from them?

Oral Health And Healthy Pregnancy

Oral Health And Healthy Pregnancy

Here are some tips for maintaining oral health during pregnancy

Brushing Your Teeth Could Help Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus

Brushing Your Teeth Could Help Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus

A new study has found that brushing your teeth and using mouthwash could help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Designer Toothpaste Sales Increasing During Pandemic

Designer Toothpaste Sales Increasing During Pandemic

The designer category of toothpaste is increasing in sales during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Are Costly Designer Dental Products Worth The Investment?

Are Costly Designer Dental Products Worth The Investment?

Are expensive new designer toothpastes worth the cost, or do over the counter pastes work just as well?

Why Keeping Dental Insurance Is Important

Why Keeping Dental Insurance Is Important

Why keeping dental insurance during open enrollment is important

Nitrates Can Help Reduce Cavities

Nitrates Can Help Reduce Cavities

A new study has found that the nitrates found in vegetables can help reduce cavities.

Exercise And Massage May Temporarily Ease Tmj Pain

Exercise And Massage May Temporarily Ease Tmj Pain

People suffering from TMJ pain may find relief by trigger point massage and jaw exercises

Regular Medical Screenings Can Help Diagnose Diabetes

Regular Medical Screenings Can Help Diagnose Diabetes

Getting regular eye and dental exams can help pre-screen for diabetes.

New Study Delves Deeper Into Oral Health

New Study Delves Deeper Into Oral Health, Covid-19 Connection

A new study highlights the many ways improper toothbrush use and storage could transmit COVID-19 infection.

Is Ppe Causing Cavities?

Is Ppe Causing Cavities?

Many medical professionals are reporting an increase in cavities from wearing masks all day.

The Truth About Clear Aligners

The Truth About Clear Aligners

By mail clear aligners may seem like a good idea but they can be harmful to your teeth – and your wallet.

Causing Wave Of Oral Health Problems

Causing Wave Of Oral Health Problems

Waiting for the dentist during the pandemic is a bad idea for your teeth.

Types Of Sedation Dentistry

Types Of Sedation Dentistry

Dr. Abelar offers several types of sedation dentistry to make your dental procedure go smoothly

Surprising Side Effects Of Tmj Dysfunction

Surprising Side Effects Of Tmj Dysfunction

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction often affects more than just your jaw.

Sugar Sweetened Beverages And Oral Health

Sugar Sweetened Beverages And Oral Health

A recent survey and study highlights the danger of sugar sweetened beverages on the teeth.

New Survey Sees Dental Problems Increasing

New Survey Sees Dental Problems Increasing

A new survey by the American Dental Association finds that dental problems have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Could Covid-19 Cause Tmj Dysfunction?

Could Covid-19 Cause Tmj Dysfunction?

Patients recovering from COVID-19 may experience TMJ dysfunction or bruxism.

Gum Disease Could Worsen Psoriasis

Gum Disease Could Worsen Psoriasis

If you suffer from gum disease and psoriasis, you could be making your psoriasis worse.

New Guidelines For Cleft Palate And Oral Health Released

New Guidelines For Cleft Palate And Oral Health Released

New oral health guidelines have been released for caring for children with cleft palate.

What’S The Real Cost Of Emergency Dentistry In America?

What’S The Real Cost Of Emergency Dentistry In America?

Emergency dentistry costs taxpayers billions of dollars each year. Here’s why.


Stress, Coronavirus, And Your Oral Health

These are troubling times, and it’s natural to feel stressed out, but unfortunately stress can take its toll on your oral health.

Cancer And Gum Disease

Cancer And Gum Disease

A new study has linked esophageal and stomach cancer to gum disease.

How Much Toothpaste Should You Use?

How Much Toothpaste Should You Use?

How much toothpaste is too much? Find out how much toothpaste you should be using each time you brush your teeth.

Cold And Flu Season And Your Oral Health

Cold And Flu Season And Your Oral Health

Cold and flu season doesn’t just take a toll on your body, it can be harmful to your mouth

Hormones And Your Gums

Hormones And Your Gums

Your hormones could be to blame for changes in your oral health

Is Soda To Blame For Covid-19?

Is Soda To Blame For Covid-19?

Mexico’s Health Undersecretary Hugo López-Gatell made headlines recently when he attributed COVID-19 to drinking sugary beverages. López-Gatell reasoned that because sugary drinks like soda or fruit juices contribute to obesity, they also may contrib…

Is Soda To Blame For Covid-19?

Is Soda To Blame For Covid-19?

Mexico’s Health Undersecretary Hugo López-Gatell made headlines recently when he attributed COVID-19 to drinking sugary beverages. López-Gatell reasoned that because sugary drinks like soda or fruit juices contribute to obesity, they also may contrib…

Did Your Oral Health Change This Summer

Did Your Oral Health Change This Summer

Wondering if the change in seasons changes our oral health habits, too? We think so, and now a recent survey by Dentavox is revealing some truths about our summer dental habits. Keep reading to learn more about how our dental habits change during the…

Did Your Oral Health Change This Summer

Did Your Oral Health Change This Summer

Wondering if the change in seasons changes our oral health habits, too? We think so, and now a recent survey by Dentavox is revealing some truths about our summer dental habits. Keep reading to learn more about how our dental habits change during the…

Back To School Dental Exams For Kindergarteners

Back To School Dental Exams For Kindergarteners

With school right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about oral health exams for your student.

New Survey Reveals Truths About Holiday Oral Health

New Survey Reveals Truths About Holiday Oral Health

So, why are these holidays so bad for our teeth? Well, for starters, there’s all that candy. Sugar is notoriously bad for our teeth, feeding those nasty bacteria that cause cavities.

Dental Cleanings May Protect Your Heart

Dental Cleanings May Protect Your Heart

A new study has found that maintaining oral health through dental cleanings may reduce your risk of several serious heart conditions.

Pickling Fluid May Reduce Cavities

Pickling Fluid May Reduce Cavities

By eating a diet rich in probiotics, you benefit not just your gut health, but also your oral health, which can help increase good bacteria and fight cavities.

Bad Breath And Your Tonsils

Bad Breath And Your Tonsils

Tonsillitis is an infection of your tonsils that could be causing bad breath.

Oral Bacteria Tougher Than We Thought

Oral Bacteria Tougher Than We Thought

A recent study has revealed that oral bacteria may be harder to get rid of than we initially thought.

Mouthwash Could Help Lower Covid-19 Risk

Mouthwash Could Help Lower Covid-19 Risk

Patients looking for ways to reduce their risk of contracting coronavirus may want to add mouthwash to their oral health routine.

Patients Resorting To Drastic Oral Health Measures In Quarantine

Patients Resorting To Drastic Oral Health Measures In Quarantine

The global COVID-19 pandemic has left millions of people around the world on mandatory and self-imposed quarantine. Unfortunately, while this is keeping people safe and slowing the spread of the coronavirus, business closures are causing some Americans to take drastic measures to get the services they need.

Another Fish Tale?

Another Fish Tale?

A weird fish made headlines for its humanlike teeth, but skeptics think it could be a hoax.

Asthma May Increase Periodontitis Risk

Asthma May Increase Periodontitis Risk

Asthma patients are more likely to suffer from gum disease, and the culprit may actually be dry mouth.

Stroke Risk And Gum Health

Stroke Risk And Gum Health

Patients with gum disease are more likely to suffer from strokes, according to a recent study. But what is the connection?

Now Is The Time To Quit Smoking

Now Is The Time To Quit Smoking

Smokers with coronavirus were more than twice as likely as non-smoker patients with coronavirus to be admitted to the hospital for coronavirus complications.

Oral Bacteria May Worsen Crohn’S Disease Symptoms

Oral Bacteria May Worsen Crohn’S Disease Symptoms

A new research study has found a link between bad bacteria in the mouth and inflammation causing bacteria in the intestines

Abscess Signs And Symptoms

Abscess Signs And Symptoms

With many people enduring long quarantine periods that may be keeping them from getting routine and urgent medical care, there has been a reported rise in oral health infections around the globe. But how do you know if you have an oral infection?

Preventing Gum Disease In Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Preventing Gum Disease In Type 2 Diabetes Patients

But what if you already have type 2 diabetes without gum disease? Does having one condition automatically mean you will develop the other? Not necessarily, say experts.

Quitting Smoking Could Increase Cavity Risk

Quitting Smoking Could Increase Cavity Risk

Find out why using nicotine lozenges to help quit smoking could potentially cause cavities.

New Study Highlights Effectiveness Of Fluoridated Water

New Study Highlights Effectiveness Of Fluoridated Water

As the debate regarding whether fluoridating water continues, there’s some good news from a study based in New Zealand for those who are proponents of treating public water supplies.

New Treatment Could Someday Prevent Cavities

New Treatment Could Someday Prevent Cavities

Cavities are considered one of the most common health crises in America, with over thirty percent of some age groups suffering from tooth decay and caries of some kind.

Do Masks Cause Cavities?

Do Masks Cause Cavities?

While mask breath is definitely a common issue, is the mask really causing your bad breath? What’s most likely happening is that you’re becoming more aware of pre-existing halitosis because your breath is trapped in your mask, along with your nose, so you are smelling your own bad breath.

How To Treat Jaw Pain

How To Treat Jaw Pain

It can often be difficult to find relief from jaw pain, even with over the counter pain medicines, especially if it is being caused by TMJ disorder.

How We’Re Helping Prevent The Spread Of Coronavirus

How We’Re Helping Prevent The Spread Of Coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been instrumental in providing concise guidelines for stopping the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Recently they issued some pointers for dental clinics, and if and when they should see patients.According t…

Softer Is Better When It Comes To Brushing

Softer Is Better When It Comes To Brushing

When we see a stain on tile grout or caked-on food on our dishes, the natural instinct is to scrub at it – the harder, the better. But while this usually helps to remove stains from some hard surfaces, it doesn’t apply to all of them: especially the …

Are Diet Drinks Better For Children?

Are Diet Drinks Better For Children?

We already know that sugary drinks are dangerous for the teeth. In children, they are especially dangerous because they not only cause cavities, but excess sugar can also cause obesity and diabetes, among other things. Currently, dental caries, or ca…

Preventing Mask Breath

Preventing Mask Breath

Over the past few months we’ve all had to adjust to a new normal – whatever that is. With quarantines, supply shortages, working from home (if you’re lucky) and wearing masks in public, it’s a lot of big changes. But one change many people have had t…

When Is The Time To See A Dentist?

When Is The Time To See A Dentist?

Sometimes it’s hard to know when it’s the right time to do something. Do you buy that stock? Is it a buyer’s or seller’s housing market? Will those strawberries go bad if you buy them two days before you need them? But then there are things that are …

Take Extra Care Of Children’S Teeth During Quarantine

Take Extra Care Of Children’S Teeth During Quarantine

With many dental clinics around the world closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many patients must hold off on routine dental care such as checkups and cleanings. While some emergency clinics and general practices are open on a case-by-case basis, pat…

Improving Oral Health May Improve Athletic Performance

Improving Oral Health May Improve Athletic Performance

If you’re an athlete, chances are you know the importance of caring for your body. From proper warmups to protect muscles to eating the right nutrition to fuel their energy, athletes must take special care of themselves to optimize their perfor…

More Evidence That Poor Oral Health May Cause Diabetes

More Evidence That Poor Oral Health May Cause Diabetes

Another study has been released connecting poor oral health to diabetes. While it has long been suspected that the gum disease periodontitis contributes to or causes type 2 diabetes, the new study provides further evidence of the connection between t…

Oral Hygiene And Pneumonia

Oral Hygiene And Pneumonia

Caring for the oral health and hygiene of seniors in assisted living often poses a challenge for caregivers. While some patients cooperate, others refuse care, causing their oral health to suffer from cavities, tooth loss, and even gum diseases inclu…

Is Cbd Safe For Teeth?

Is Cbd Safe For Teeth?

It seems you can’t go anywhere in the United States without hearing about CBD. What is CBD? It’s short for “cannabidiol,” and it’s a compound located in the cannabis sativa plant that is said to promote feelings of relaxation and calm, without the hi…

Charcoal Toothpaste Makers Sued

Charcoal Toothpaste Makers Sued

If you keep up on dental trends, you may have heard of a product called charcoal toothpaste. This black paste is exactly what it sounds like: toothpaste made with activated charcoal. It stands out for its black color, which temporarily colors your te…

Make 'Elephants Toothpaste'!

Make ‘Elephants Toothpaste’!

With many kids still home on quarantine and school about to break for the summer, you may be anxious to try something new to bust the stay-at-home boredom blues. While kids may quickly grow tired of toys, there are tons of fun science experiments onl…

Why Eating Healthy Is Important During Quarantine

Why Eating Healthy Is Important During Quarantine

With millions of Americans home on quarantine, a lot of jokes have been made about eating more meals at home – and eating a lot more in general. That’s because shelter-in-place orders and working from home – combined with a lack of open restaur…

Weird Facts About Teeth

Weird Facts About Teeth

Let’s face it: The human body is a weird thing, and doctors haven’t even scratched the surfaces of how weird it really is. One body area that still holds many mysteries is the mouth. The gateway to the rest of our body, the mouth has been…


Covid-19, Quarantine And Mental Health

With so much uncertainty surrounding the global COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to get a little stressed and worried. Self-isolation during the COVID-19 quarantine doesn’t exactly help, either. But dentists and doctors are warning that letti…

Reality Star Claims Jaw Is 'Melting'

Reality Star Claims Jaw Is ‘Melting’

If you’ve ever watched reality TV, you’ve probably noticed that a lot if it isn’t quite rooted in reality. With outlandish storylines and some notoriously bad acting, reality TV is very entertaining – but oftentimes that’s abo…

Vaping Illness On The Rise

Vaping Illness On The Rise

There’s no denying vaping (the smoking of e-cigarettes) is growing in popularity among Americans. Unfortunately that group includes teens and young adults. In fact, vaping has increased among this demographic by double since 2017, with numbers shooti…

Study Links Oral Health

Study Links Oral Health, Self-Esteem In Children

A recent study by global health and hygiene brand Unilever Oral Care took a unique look at oral health and children. The study examined the link between oral health care and children’s self-esteem and found a surprisingly strong connection between th…

Another Great Reason To Brush Those Teeth

Another Great Reason To Brush Those Teeth

You may have already been aware of all the benefits of caring for your teeth – and we don’t just mean a reduction in cavities, gum disease and tooth loss. Poor oral hygiene can cause a long list of problems, from diabetes to cancer to even heart atta…

Back-To-School Tools

Back-To-School Tools

Fast forward a bit to this August: You’ve got the pencils, backpacks and notebooks. You’ve got the new clothes and shoes. By all accounts you’re ready to send your kids back to school. But you may have forgotten something even more important than all…

Oral Health Could Affect Psoriasis

Oral Health Could Affect Psoriasis

You’ve probably already heard that your oral health is just as important as the health and maintenance of the rest of your body. In fact, it’s arguably more important because the condition of the mouth can have negative effects that carry over into o…

Don’T Let Odontophobia Ruin That Smile

Don’T Let Odontophobia Ruin That Smile

A recent article from Harvard Medical School is highlighting exactly what you should do if you have dental anxiety – and the benefits of curbing this anxiety before it’s too late.Dental anxiety, or odontophobia, strikes an estimated 75 percent of Ame…

Does The Mouth Really Heal Faster Than The Rest Of The Body?

Does The Mouth Really Heal Faster Than The Rest Of The Body?

Most of us are no stranger to mouth injuries. Whether it’s a canker sore, a bitten tongue or cheek, or even a burnt tongue from hot coffee, our mouths are subject to some pretty harsh conditions at times. But what you may also have noticed is that mo…

How To Heal A Mouth Burn

How To Heal A Mouth Burn

For many people, long summer days mean lounging in the back yard enjoying barbecue and other grilled favorites. But those hot foods have a few caveats that can occur when we’re not careful. One of those is a burnt mouth – ouch! It can be difficult to…

Cool Advances In Dental Technology

Technology is all around us, from smartphones to TVs that run channels on apps to entire electric systems that power our homes from one central app. But what about tech in the medical industry? Advances in equipment and procedures have sprung up ever…

What It Takes To Be A Dentist

Spring is a season of big changes and new beginnings – and not just in nature. For some, it’s also a time of major life changes, like high school and college graduation. With so many options for the future, graduation can be an exciting but overwhelm…

What Is Erythroplakia?

What Is Erythroplakia?

The inside of your mouth can be a mysterious place. Between those temperamental gums, your tough but sensitive teeth and the fascinating tongue, it’s amazing how much work your mouth does on your behalf. So, when something isn’t quite right in your m…

Common-Sense Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Coronavirus

Common-Sense Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Coronavirus

With coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading around the globe and grabbing international headlines, it’s natural to be worried about your risk of contracting this illness. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of contracting this seri…

Poor Oral Hygiene Could Worsen Psoriasis Symptoms

Poor Oral Hygiene Could Worsen Psoriasis Symptoms

An estimated 125 million people around the world have the skin condition psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes red, flaky patches on the skin. Though it is not known what causes psoriasis (nor is there a cure), there are some trig…

Hard- Versus Soft-Bristled Toothbrushes

Hard- Versus Soft-Bristled Toothbrushes

If you’ve heard any talk about toothbrush bristles, you may have heard that dentists prefer their patients use soft-bristled toothbrushes. But what’s the difference between brushing with a soft-bristled brush versus a hard-bristled brush – and why ar…

A Surprising Link To Oral Hygiene

A Surprising Link To Oral Hygiene

For some, colorectal health isn’t something they really want to think about, let alone discuss. It can be embarrassing to have conversations about this area of the body, even if there is a problem. But doctors caution that we shouldn’t be afraid to t…

Patients With Asd May Suffer From Poor Oral Hygiene

Patients With Asd May Suffer From Poor Oral Hygiene

Chances are we’ve all heard of autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, and now with the World Health Organization estimating that one in 160 children have the disorder, there’s a very good chance you may know a child with this condition. Unfortunately, lit…

What Are Craze Lines?

What Are Craze Lines?

Our teeth go through a lot of stress in their lifetime. That stress ranges from typical activities, like chewing and chattering, to the not-so-typical grinding and opening of packaging (we see you!) and, yes, even less-than-ideal dental hygiene (it h…

Do You Really Need A Dental Extraction?

Do You Really Need A Dental Extraction?

There are several reasons due to which your dentist decides to pull out a tooth. Even though your permanent teeth are meant for a lifetime, they eventually become a target of bacterial infection which leads to excessive decay. Sometimes, your dentist…

The Dangers Of Salt And Baking Soda For Teeth Whitening

The Dangers Of Salt And Baking Soda For Teeth Whitening

Appointment Request Teeth Whitening A recent report by CNN has highlighted the dangers of whitening your teeth with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) or with table salt (sodium chloride). Though these products are relatively natural, they can still be…

New Year

New Year, New Life

Happy new year! The new year is always a time of promise – new chapter, a clean slate. It’s a time for setting goals and getting inspired. You may already have resolutions. Many people choose this time to make major lifestyle changes like eating a he…

Safe Fluoride Alternatives

Safe Fluoride Alternatives

Fluoride. It’s one of those topics seemingly everyone has an opinion on these days, some based in fact and some … not so much. But despite what side of the fluoride debate you fall on, there’s one thing you can’t deny: Oral health is extremely impo…

Teeth May Hold The Key To Childhood Trauma

Teeth May Hold The Key To Childhood Trauma

A new study by Massachusetts General Hospital, the Forsyth Institute and the University of California San Francisco is examining whether children’s teeth show signs of trauma as a child grows. The study will look for markings in the teeth that indica…

Implant Dentistry

Implant Dentistry

Numerous people are worried about getting dental implants. Through dental implants, the dentist fixes a replacement tooth by surgically placing the artificial tooth roots underneath the gum line. The titanium posts are artificial tooth roots that are…

Teeth Could Someday Benefit Breast Cancer Patients

Teeth Could Someday Benefit Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent health crises today. In fact, an estimated one in eight women will be affected by invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Naturally, as a result, much research has been devoted to finding a cure for this ter…

Are Our Teeth Getting Worse?

Are Our Teeth Getting Worse?

A recent study conducted at Queen Mary University in London has revealed some startling data about the teeth of modern-day Brits. The study, which analyzed the condition of teeth from over 200 adult skeletons – some of whom had been deceased for over…

Five Weird Facts About Teeth

Five Weird Facts About Teeth

Let’s face it: Teeth are weird things! Made of the hardest material in your body, teeth aren’t actually bones. Each individual tooth can withstand 168 pounds of pressure per bite – all in all that’s 5,600 pounds of pressure throughout your entire mou…

Is That E-Cigarette Really Better?

Is That E-Cigarette Really Better?

Making changes to your lifestyle for the sake of your health is a noble endeavor, but some changes are easier to make than others. Take, for example, quitting smoking. Everyone knows smoking is bad for you, but thanks to addictive additives like nico…

Robots In Dentistry

Robots In Dentistry

For decades, science fiction movies and television shows have theorized about what the world would be like if robots – artificially intelligent machines that mimic humans – ran the world. Though thus far these scenarios seem to be far beyond the real…

Worthwhile Causes For Oral Health

Worthwhile Causes For Oral Health

With the final month of the year approaching and both holiday gifts and charitable contributions on many of our minds, it can be difficult to decide what to buy or where to donate. Oral health inequality has been a huge topic in the news lately. Whil…

Fun Facts About The Tongue

Fun Facts About The Tongue

It keeps dogs cool, it cleans your teeth, and it helps you taste and speak. It’s the tongue – and you’d probably be hard pressed to find a more fascinating part of the mouth than the muscly organ that makes enjoying your favorite foods possible.The h…

A Program Worth Smiling About

A Program Worth Smiling About

For the estimated 17,000 children in New York City’s foster care system, there’s been a big problem looming. Many of these children do not receive adequate dental care, due to either lack of insurance or lack of a stable home. As a result, New York C…

Caring For Dental Implants

Caring For Dental Implants

Dental implants are a method of restoring missing or damaged teeth structure. Implants are also the perfect remedy for stabilizing and restoring the function of your loose restorations. The American Academy of Implant Dentistry states that implants h…

The Dangers Of Tourism Dentistry

The Dangers Of Tourism Dentistry

Let’s face it: Medical care can be expensive in America, and that includes dental care. Maybe that’s why more and more people are leaving the country to get dental work done in supposedly less expensive foreign locales. In fact, the trend is becoming…

Oral Health Can Change Lives

Oral Health Can Change Lives

Excellent oral health can have a lot of positive benefits on the human body. From reducing your risk of conditions like diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, cancer and heart disease to improving your quality of life, it’s a wonder such a small area…

Study Links Periodontal Disease To Cardiovascular Health

Study Links Periodontal Disease To Cardiovascular Health

A recent study by researchers at the Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, has yielded some troubling findings. The study was presented at the American College of Cardiology in Dubai and claims that the fewer teeth you ha…

Vulnerable Communities At Increased Dental Risk

Vulnerable Communities At Increased Dental Risk

With the tail end of the baby boomer generation nearing 60 years old and many Americans set to retire in the next few decades, oral health researchers have mounting concerns about how seniors will receive care for their oral health. Between the loss …

Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral appliance therapy is a treatment that is devised for addressing sleep disorders such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. The treatment involves wearing a removable oral appliance in the mouth during sleep and letting the appliance work. The …

The Best And Worst Halloween Treats For Smiles

The Best And Worst Halloween Treats For Smiles

Did someone say “trick or treat?” It’s Halloween again, a time when everything spooky and scary comes out – including that delicious Halloween candy. While it may taste good, it’s not really good for us, and it’s especially bad for our teeth. But don…

Fall Sports And Young Athletes’ Teeth

Fall Sports And Young Athletes’ Teeth

With school back in full swing and fall sports starting to kick into high gear, parents of athletes should be aware of their children’s oral health more now than during the off-season. Why? In addition to it being time to buy oral health extras to he…

October Is Dental Hygiene Month

October Is Dental Hygiene Month

Around here, every month is dental hygiene month! But here in the United States, that month is officially the month of October. Each year since 2009, the American Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA) has taken this opportunity to celebrate dental hyg…

Oral Health And Children'S Sleep Patterns

Oral Health And Children’S Sleep Patterns

According to pediatricians, depending on age, children should get a minimum of about 10 hours of sleep each night. Of course, a little more or a little less probably won’t cause much trouble, especially during the summer, but now that it’s fall again…

Which All-Natural Dental Products Are Best?

Which All-Natural Dental Products Are Best?

Between our polluted waterways, global warming and the rise of chemically enhanced products, there has been a greater push in recent years for all-natural products in every segment of the marketplace. From cleaning products to sustainable fibers, eco…

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full Mouth Reconstruction

A full mouth rehabilitation could perhaps be considered one of the more challenging procedures in dentistry. It is a combination of cosmetic and restorative dental services which can give you a new look with a set of pearly whites. Over time, there i…

Poor Oral Health Tied To Liver Cancer

Poor Oral Health Tied To Liver Cancer

A new study conducted by researchers at Queens University Belfast in Ireland has linked poor oral health to liver cancer. Liver cancer joins a growing list of potentially fatal illnesses recently tied to poor oral health, including Alzheimer’s diseas…

Two More Great Reasons To Maintain Oral Health

Two More Great Reasons To Maintain Oral Health

It seems like not a day goes by that you don’t read emerging oral health news and discover yet another illness or condition linked to poor oral health. From difficulties conceiving to an increased risk of diabetes and stroke, neglecting your oral hea…

Why Do We Get Canker Sores?

Why Do We Get Canker Sores?

Ouch! If you are like most people, you get canker sores from time to time. But you probably wonder why you get them – especially if you’re one of the unlucky people who gets painful canker sores or who accidentally bites them while chewing. Canker so…

Wisdom About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Getting your wisdom teeth is a memorable right of passage for any adult or young adult – and so is the ice cream diet that likely followed for the next few days. But while polishing off a pint of Ben and Jerry’s sure did make a painful situation a wh…

Help! My Braces ...

Help! My Braces …

In life, as they say, accidents happen – and that’s never truer than when living with braces. Braces are the best way to fix a misaligned bite for a healthy, beautiful smile, but with all that extra equipment in your mouth, it can be an invitation fo…

Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Could Harm Teeth

Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Could Harm Teeth

A recent study on the effects of hydrogen peroxide on teeth has left a lot of people wondering how to safely keep their pearly whites whiter. Hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in most popular whitening agents, including those over-the-counte…

What Is Black Hairy Tongue?

What Is Black Hairy Tongue?

A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine highlighted an interesting case of a rare medical condition called “black hairy tongue.” Unsurprisingly, the condition basically makes you look like you’ve got a black hairy tongue – hence the n…

What A Pain: Oral Shingles

What A Pain: Oral Shingles

Appointment Request Emergency Dentist An estimated one in three American adults will develop the excruciatingly painful condition known as shingles in their lifetime. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 90 percent of…

X Marks The Spot

X Marks The Spot

One of the hallmarks of most dental exams is the taking of X-ray images. But why does your dentist take X-rays? And are they safe? If you’ve ever wondered why and how we take these images, X marks the spot for all your X-ray questions! The name X-ray…

Pregnancy And Oral Health

Pregnancy And Oral Health

If you are pregnant, first of all, congratulations! Pregnancy obviously brings about some big changes – including to your oral health routine. That’s because pregnancy hormones can sometimes wreak havoc on the gums, making gingivitis and bleeding gum…

How Stress Harms Teeth

How Stress Harms Teeth

It’s no myth that stress can manifest itself into physical symptoms. From acne to hair loss to body tension, stress doesn’t just take its toll on us emotionally – it can take its toll on our bodies in ways we never imagined. But did you know that str…

April Is National Facial Protection Month

April Is National Facial Protection Month

If you or a loved one are part of the 95 percent of Americans who engage in a sport, not only are you having fun, but you’re also doing something positive for your health. From increasing blood flow to lowering your risk of heart disease, cancer, hig…

What Are Overdentures?

What Are Overdentures?

If you are missing teeth and are not a good candidate for dental implants due to bone deterioration or loss, you may be considering getting dentures. But if dentures don’t seem like your cup of tea, there is another option that bridges the gap betwee…

Tips For Healthier Gums

Tips For Healthier Gums

When it comes to oral health, it’s no secret that a lot of emphasis is rightfully placed on caring for the teeth. But just caring for your teeth is not enough. There is another part of the mouth that often gets neglected – and it requires just as muc…

Addicted To Sugar?

Addicted To Sugar?

With so many addictions making headlines across the country and around the world, some addictions are unfortunately overlooked and treated as less serious than others. One example is sugar addiction. Yes, you heard right – sugar addiction is real and…

Social Media Causes Tooth-Loss Controversy

Social Media Causes Tooth-Loss Controversy

Social media has taken quite a place in our daily lives and captured our collective attention – from people considering cosmetic dentistry procedures to get a “selfie-ready” smile to an alarming new trend of children making tooth-removal videos. It a…

How To Care For Clear Aligners

How To Care For Clear Aligners

Congratulations on your new aligners or clear retainer! You are one step closer to a beautiful, even smile. Before you begin wearing your aligners, there are a few important care tips you should be aware of. These tips will help you keep your aligner…

Protect Your Lips This Winter

Protect Your Lips This Winter

With the winter temperature changes drying out our skin, getting chapped lips this time of year isn’t surprising – but it doesn’t have to be inevitable. Chapped lips are more than just an uncomfortable nuisance; they can be extremely harmful to your …

Developmental Disabilities And Oral Health

Developmental Disabilities And Oral Health

It is estimated that roughly 50 million Americans have some sort of developmental disability, whether it be autism, Down syndrome, stroke, Alzheimer’s – the list goes on. But while these conditions are wildly different, there is often one common deno…

What’S All The Chatter About Chattering Teeth?

What’S All The Chatter About Chattering Teeth?

Maybe not here in San Diego , but elsewhere in the country, winter means cold. But just because it’s warm in Southern California doesn’t mean you won’t encounter a chill on spring break or your next vacation – and that chill can harm your body in way…

Coffee: Good Or Bad For Teeth?

Coffee: Good Or Bad For Teeth?

You’ve seen the memes, you’ve likely heard the one-liners. For many people, coffee is an important – even vital – part of waking up and starting the day, thanks to that warm jolt of caffeine. In fact, here in the United States, an estimated 64 percen…

Don’T Hide From The Sun This Winter

Don’T Hide From The Sun This Winter

The winter is here, and with it the cooler weather. While it may not be as cold around here as it gets elsewhere in the country, there can still be a noticeable drop in temperatures – noticeable enough to make people stay indoors and hide. But before…

What Is Demineralization - And How Can It Be Fixed?

What Is Demineralization – And How Can It Be Fixed?

You may have seen them before – those telltale white spots on the teeth. They’re called demineralization spots, and they appear when the tooth’s enamel begins to dissolve. Though demineralization spots are bad news, the good news is they are a very e…

New Bill Could Broaden Dental Care

New Bill Could Broaden Dental Care

When the 115th Congress introduced H.R2422 to the lexicon, they did it with the best of intentions: to expand dental care to seniors, children and the underserved. The bill was initially launched on February 26, 2017, but it is still not official yet…

How To Handle Dental Faux Pas

How To Handle Dental Faux Pas

It’s a scenario we’ve probably all encountered at least once before, and if you haven’t yet, chances are you will eventually: the dental faux pas. Boss got broccoli stuck in his teeth? Co-worker with offensive breath? New boyfriend’s mother has lipst…

Don’T Wait Too Long To Start Children’S Orthodontic Treatment

Don’T Wait Too Long To Start Children’S Orthodontic Treatment

A question many parents ask when they bring their child to the dentist is, “When should I have my child evaluated for braces?” Many parents notice as their child’s baby teeth fall out and their permanent teeth begin growing in that those permanent te…

What’S The Difference Between These Dental Professionals?

What’S The Difference Between These Dental Professionals?

You may have noticed that some dentists have different letters at the end of their names. For example, Dr. Abelar’s title is “Martin P. Abelar, DDS.” You may have also noticed other dentists who have the letters DMD at the end of their name. So, what…

Dental Safety Gear Explained

Dental Safety Gear Explained

If you’ve ever set foot inside a dental practice, chances are you’ve noticed a few things that set the dental office staff apart from the patients. We’re not just talking about the fact that they are performing your exam – they are also dressed diffe…

How Much Pain Is Normal With New Braces?

How Much Pain Is Normal With New Braces?

Braces are one of those necessary evils that nobody particularly wants but almost nobody regrets getting once they come off. The good news is that they usually work really well – and they don’t stay on forever (despite how it feels sometimes!). The b…

Drinking For Better Teeth?

Drinking For Better Teeth?

With spring here and everyone heading back outside to enjoy the beautiful weather, it’s of paramount importance to stay hydrated. In fact, it’s absolutely vital to our survival, since much of our bodies are made up of water. Did you know that 80 perc…

Bacteria Gum Could Help Improve Oral Health

Bacteria Gum Could Help Improve Oral Health

Streptococcus salivarius. It sounds like a bad guy from a Harry Potter book – and in the right conditions, it really is a bad guy to the harmful bacteria in your mouth. But when used to fight that harmful bacteria, Streptococcus salivarius (or S. sal…

Love Red Wine? Here’S One More Reason To Raise A Glass

Love Red Wine? Here’S One More Reason To Raise A Glass

Appointment Request General Dentistry If you follow health news, chances are you’ve probably already heard of something called a polyphenol. Polyphenols are compounds that contain multiple phenolic hydroxyl groups, or any compound that contains six-m…

Common Questions About Dental Implants

Common Questions About Dental Implants

Whether you are already missing teeth or you are facing the loss of a permanent tooth, an increasingly popular solution is the installation of dental implants. A dental implant is a permanent prosthetic tooth (crown) that secures via a metal post tha…

Adults And Braces

Adults And Braces

Be honest: When you think about wearing braces, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For most adults, it’s probably those already-awkward teen years spent with your teeth crisscrossed in painful metal brackets that not only made you feel self-c…

How To Cut Costs At The Dentist

How To Cut Costs At The Dentist

The new year is in full swing, bringing with it new goals, new resolutions and, yes, even new insurance plans. For many Americans, a new policy, or changes to an old policy, can be very stressful, especially if your coverage has changed. One area whe…

Budget Shortfalls Lead To Drastic Care Cuts In Scotland

Budget Shortfalls Lead To Drastic Care Cuts In Scotland

When reports surfaced earlier this year that the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) was facing major budget shortages, many United Kingdom residents who benefit from NHS services were unsure what to expect. With British dentists rep…

Could New App Help Patients Get After-Hours Dental Services?

Could New App Help Patients Get After-Hours Dental Services?

According to a recent report by Daniel Wesley at, Americans work more hours than any other workers on Earth. In fact, Wesley claims that 66.5 percent of women and 85.8 percent of men work over 40 hours per week. That doesn’t leav…

What Is The Tide Pods Challenge?

What Is The Tide Pods Challenge?

According to the Alexandria, Virginia-based American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), American emergency rooms handled a record 39 cases of poisoning from intentional ingestion of Tide Pod laundry detergent packets among patients betwee…

Protect Teeth During Spring Travel

Protect Teeth During Spring Travel

Dental emergencies. Chances are, we’ve all had one, or will at some point in life. Whether it’s a loose filling, chipped tooth or painful infection, sometimes even when we think we’re on top of our oral health, these problems can take us off guard. A…

Don’T Be Caught Off Guard By Common Oral Infections

Don’T Be Caught Off Guard By Common Oral Infections

If you develop an oral sore seemingly out of nowhere, your first reaction may be to totally ignore it – or to completely panic. Either way, there are some things you should know (and some symptoms to look for) before you make your next move. Before y…

Forensic Scientists Find Links Between Teeth

Forensic Scientists Find Links Between Teeth, Environment

Many things get stuck in our teeth – caramel, popcorn, spinach – but did you know that for some workers, evidence of their job can get stuck in their teeth, too?A team of scientists at Gujarat, India’s Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, unde…

Denti-Cal To Expand In 2018

Denti-Cal To Expand In 2018

For 13.5 million lower-income Californians, the Medi-Cal medical insurance program provides coverage for a number of much-needed medical services these individuals may not otherwise be able to receive. But while many recipients have seen improvements…

Don’T Be Afraid To Floss

Don’T Be Afraid To Floss

There’s no topic discussed at a dental exam that seems to make people more uncomfortable than flossing. As you may already be aware, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends we floss our teeth at least once a day. This is because string denta…

To Keep Or Not To Keep: Wisdom Teeth

To Keep Or Not To Keep: Wisdom Teeth

If your child has a mouthful of healthy teeth, it may come as quite a surprise to hear that your dentist wants to remove your child’s wisdom teeth. After all, why would you remove perfectly healthy teeth? But even healthy wisdom teeth can cause big p…

These Vitamins Can Help Oral Health

These Vitamins Can Help Oral Health

A trip down the vitamin aisle at your local pharmacy can be an overwhelming experience. With literally hundreds of brands and types of vitamins to choose from, it’s hard to know which one you need to address your specific health needs. Do you go with…

Smile Insecurities Affect Career Aspirations

Smile Insecurities Affect Career Aspirations, Study Says

A recent study by the American Dental Association has revealed some startling statistics about millennials and oral health. According to the study, titled “Oral Health and Well-Being in the United States,” 29 percent of lower-income individuals and 2…

Reduce Sensitivity After Whitening Teeth

Reduce Sensitivity After Whitening Teeth

When you come in to the dentist’s office for a teeth-whitening procedure, you probably have a few expectations: a whiter smile; a calm, relaxing environment; and an attentive, professional staff. What you may not expect is tooth sensitivity. But many…

Can This Four-Hour Deep Cleaning Cure Gum Disease?

Can This Four-Hour Deep Cleaning Cure Gum Disease?

British soap opera star Samantha Womack recently made headlines for undergoing a deep-cleaning gum treatment called Bone One Session Treatment, or BOST, that claims to cure periodontal disease in just one session. Womack claims that after one four-ho…

Root Canals May Soon Be Enhanced With Nanodiamonds

Root Canals May Soon Be Enhanced With Nanodiamonds

Root canals are one of the most feared procedures a dental patient can undergo, but the root canals of today are a far cry from the painful procedures they used to be. Today’s root canals are quicker, less painful and have a higher success rate…

All About Adult Braces

All About Adult Braces

Appointment Request Invisalign® Whether we like it or not, our smile and the condition of our teeth play a huge role in our self-esteem. In fact, a recent study by the American Dental Association found that nearly 30 percent of young adults are so ins…

Traveling For Work? Don’T Skip The Oral Health Routine

Traveling For Work? Don’T Skip The Oral Health Routine

With an estimated 488 million business trips taken each year, averaging four nights away each, it’s safe to say that we are a country on the move. But while all that travel can bulk up your air miles account, it could be doing some severe damage to y…

Tips For Choosing The Ideal Toothbrush

Tips For Choosing The Ideal Toothbrush

It’s one of the most commonly asked questions in dental practices across the nation: What’s the best toothbrush for me? Unfortunately, there’s no one right answer. Here are a few things to consider if you find yourself wondering what kind of toothbru…

Asthma Sufferers Could Be At Higher Risk Of Gum Disease

Asthma Sufferers Could Be At Higher Risk Of Gum Disease

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that one in 12 Americans has the lung disease known as asthma. Asthma is categorized as an inflammation or obstruction of the bronchial tubes. This condition can be caused by environmental issues such as expo…

What’S That Spot?

What’S That Spot?

Appointment Request Teeth Cleaning Picture it: You wake up in the morning and open your mouth to brush your teeth. But instead of just being greeted by your usual set of pearly whites, you see a dark, blood-red spot about the size of a pencil eraser …

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New Art Venue Opens in Downtown CF

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Highlights from Hong Kong’s Art Central

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When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun...

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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings...
Dental Sealants: Protecting Children’S Teeth From Decay

Dental Sealants: Protecting Children’S Teeth From Decay

It’s no secret that parents worry about their children, and kids’ health and wellness is probably most parents’ No. 1 worry. If there was a way to prevent kids from needing painful procedures down the road, most parents would happily take advantage o…

Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

Dental X-rays are both a useful source of oral health information and a controversial topic that many aren’t sure how to feel about. While they can literally give your dentist a much clearer picture of your overall oral health, they also come with a …

Laser Treatment May Soon Replace Painful Gum Procedures

Laser Treatment May Soon Replace Painful Gum Procedures

For patients with damaged or diseased gum tissue caused by advanced gum disease like periodontitis, treatment options have historically been very slim, and very painful. But a new laser-assisted treatment called “laser-assisted new attachment procedu…

When Should Babies Say Bye-Bye To Bottles?

When Should Babies Say Bye-Bye To Bottles?

Whether you’re a first-time parent or a seasoned pro, it’s impossible to know everything there is to know about raising babies. This is especially true when it comes to caring for your baby’s teeth. Perhaps that’s why nearly 3…

What’S In A Tooth?

What’S In A Tooth?

Teeth. From the outside, they probably don’t look like they’re all that complex. After all, they’re so small, it’s hard to imagine there’s much going on inside of them. But believe it or not, these small but mighty bones are more complex than they lo…

Barlow Tapped to Head New GMC Prep Art

Fingerstache microdosing kickstarter, migas occupy sartorial ennui sustainable green juice cardigan farm-to-table offal. Authentic...
Reasons Your Crown May Have Broken

Reasons Your Crown May Have Broken

Dental crowns are deluxe fillings that cover the entire tooth like a cap. They are used to repair teeth that are either broken or have too much filling-to-tooth ratio to be considered strong enough to chew with. But although your crown is essentially…

Laughter Is The Best Medicine: How Nitrous Oxide Helps Us Relax At The Dentist

Laughter Is The Best Medicine: How Nitrous Oxide Helps Us Relax At The Dentist

It is estimated that 75 percent of Americans have some degree of anxiety when it comes to visiting the dentist. For approximately 30 to 40 million of those people, that fear is enough to keep them from visiting their dentist regularly. While outright…

Permanent Birth Control Device Blamed For Tooth Loss

Permanent Birth Control Device Blamed For Tooth Loss

For women around the world who have made the decision to stop having children, very few permanent options are available. Historically, women seeking permanent birth control have had to rely on surgical procedures such as tubal ligations or hysterecto…

Four Ways To Make Your Teeth Look Whiter Instantly

Four Ways To Make Your Teeth Look Whiter Instantly

Whiter teeth. Everyone wants them, but not everyone has the time or money to get them. So, what can you do if your teeth need a bit of a pick-me-up but you’re short on time and money? Try these quick tips for a whiter, brighter smile. This probably s…

Quality Is Something To Care About

Quality Is Something To Care About

Sometimes it can be hard to tell the quality of something until it’s too late. When it comes to your health, making a mistake can cause years of problems and a huge financial burden. So, how do you know if the dentist you are considering offers truly…

Quality Is Key

Dr. Abelar is so passionate about quality care for his patients that he expects the same in every aspect of his practice. From the materials he uses to the labs he works with he expects nothing but the best and will not settle for anything less. His …

Epa’S ‘Dental Rule’ Will Possibly Reduce Over 5 Tons Of Mercury Waste

Epa’S ‘Dental Rule’ Will Possibly Reduce Over 5 Tons Of Mercury Waste

The Environmental Protection Agency is working to minimize and maybe one day completely eliminate the mercury that is entering the waterway and airways in the United States of America. On December 15, 2016, the EPA passed a new ruling establishing up…

Dentists Can Help Patients Identify Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

Dentists Can Help Patients Identify Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

There are approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme disease reported a year and the numbers are rising, according to the Center for Disease Control. They caution that the months of May through July are the most concerning time of the year in the United Stat…

Sedation Dentistry Calms Fears

Sedation Dentistry Calms Fears

Psychology researchers from West Virginia University have found that anxiety and fear related to dental care can be genetically inherited from parents. These findings are one of the first of their kind as previous insights have found links predominat…

Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

Researchers at Brown University have determined that women who have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea may be at an increased risk of experiencing serious complications during pregnancy. Using the U.S. National Perinatal Information Center d…

A Visit To The Dentist Could Help Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers

A Visit To The Dentist Could Help Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, painful, inflammatory disease that affects the joints. There’s no cure for the disease, but medications and therapy often help relieve symptoms. Thanks to scientific research, those suffering from gum disease, also …

Break The Bruxism Habit Today

Break The Bruxism Habit Today

In the dental world, teeth grinding is actually called bruxism. It affects around 30 million Americans, and the number is growing. The numbers are actually probably higher since many people aren’t even aware they’re doing it. This is because some peo…

Can Chewing Gum Prevent Cavities?

Can Chewing Gum Prevent Cavities?

People chew gum for a variety of reasons. Some do it to focus when they’re feeling anxious or stressed, others chew gum to freshen their breath or get rid of a bad taste in their mouth after eating. What if chewing gum not only freshened breath but a…

Does It Matter How Much Sugar Was In That Unicorn-Themed Drink?

Does It Matter How Much Sugar Was In That Unicorn-Themed Drink?

It was hard to miss the impact Starbucks’ limited-time Unicorn Frappuccino had on social media over the last few weeks. Surprisingly, critics argued not so much over the taste of the beverage but about its sugar content. Mixed in with all the vividly…

Don'T Do-It-Yourself When It Comes To Dentistry

Don’T Do-It-Yourself When It Comes To Dentistry

The evolution of the internet has been an amazing thing for people who seek to learn new skills. Videos abound on every subject you can imagine. It’s never been easier to learn to repair a small problem with your car or fix a leaky faucet. Unfo…

What'S Keeping Americans From Going To The Dentist?

What’S Keeping Americans From Going To The Dentist?

It’s hard to find a loving, kind example of a dentist in movies and television. Most are portrayed as terrifying or cold and sterile. Does this depiction of the profession mirror our culture’s feelings about going to the dentist, or does …

The Most Important Spring Cleaning In Your Routine

The Most Important Spring Cleaning In Your Routine

Around March and April each year, people around the nation begin thinking about cleaning and airing out the house after winter. After a few months of basic cleaning, it starts to feel like it’s time for a deep cleaning. Those hard to reach places lik…

A Dental Implant That Protects Teeth From The Inside

A Dental Implant That Protects Teeth From The Inside

Three million adults in the United States have dental implants according to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, and the numbers are rising each year by about 500,000. A dental implant is the best way to replace a missing tooth according to Dr….

Cancer Treatment And Oral Health

Cancer Treatment And Oral Health

One of the things that often gets overlooked during or after cancer treatment is the mouth. Side effects of chemotherapy and radiation can be hard on the whole body but some people are truly surprised at the toll it takes on their teeth.Although no s…

Solutions For Dental Anxiety

Solutions For Dental Anxiety

It’s safe to say that few people look forward coming to the dentist. But for some, the idea of a visit to the dentist creates such fear and anxiety, that they may not go at all until they find themselves in severe pain. As a dental professional, Dr. …

Protecting The Teeth Of America'S Youth

Protecting The Teeth Of America’S Youth

The state of children’s oral health in the United States is no less concerning today than it was in the past. Early childhood caries, also more generally called cavities, is the most common chronic disease affecting children today. The upper front te…

The Link Between Teeth And The Taj Mahal

The Link Between Teeth And The Taj Mahal

Researchers at Princeton University’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering have discovered that hydroxyapatite, a calcium compound found in teeth and bones, can be used successfully to protect marble structures.The research team set out …

Outdated And Potentially Harmful Dental Practices

Outdated And Potentially Harmful Dental Practices

It can be hard to keep up with emerging technologies and news in the healthcare world. You may be wondering if the dental care you are receiving is safe and modern, so today we’re going to talk about two red flags that may indicate it’s not.Have you …

Stress And Jaw Pain

Stress And Jaw Pain

April has been National Stress Awareness Month for twenty-five years. It might seem like stress is all mental, but it can affect you physically in serious ways. Stress can cause headaches, depression, insomnia, upset stomach, mouth sores, low energy,…

What’S Causing Your Tooth Sensitivity?

What’S Causing Your Tooth Sensitivity?

There are few things more frustrating than having to skip your favorite ice cream or morning latte because of the pain it causes your teeth due to sensitivity. It can leave you desperate for answers and a solution that lets you enjoy your favorite ho…

Implant Technology

Implant Technology

One of the many things that sets Dr. Abelar apart from other dentists is his investment in technology that allows for the highest level of quality care for his patients. CBCT, cone beam computerized tomography, is a medical imaging device that is des…

5 Quick Tips To Improve Your Child’S Dental Routine

5 Quick Tips To Improve Your Child’S Dental Routine

As children get older and start to take control of their own oral hygiene routine, it’s normal for parents to worry. Making sure they are brushing and flossing for the right amount of time and reaching all the problem areas can be daunting at first. …

10 Fun Facts About Animal Teeth

10 Fun Facts About Animal Teeth

It’s no secret that kids love animals. Most adults do, too. Finding common interests is a great way to connect with your children over something fun and educational. Here are some fun facts about animals and their teeth you can share with your …

A Vaccine For Gum Disease

A Vaccine For Gum Disease

Gum Disease, also called periodontitis, occurs when bacteria builds up around the teeth and gums. Symptoms include red, swollen and sometimes bleeding gums (especially when flossing), bad breath and even loss of teeth. More than three million people …

Dollar Store Dentistry

One of Dr. Abelar’s favorite stories is about a $5.00 haircut. The story tells of a well- established barber shop that had been providing quality, personal care to the community for years. As the town grew, new business came to town, and a big-chain …

Hope For Dental Phobias Sufferers

Hope For Dental Phobias Sufferers

According to WebMD, up to 20 percent of Americans report avoiding visits to the dentists due to anxiety and Live Science even ranked dental phobia in its list of top ten phobias. More severe than anxiety, anywhere from five to ten percent suffer from…

Why Aren’T My Teeth White?

Why Aren’T My Teeth White?

It’s hard to ignore how you feel about your teeth when you see them every time you look in the mirror. If you’re unhappy with how they look, it can be especially frustrating and disheartening. Discoloration and stains are one of the most popular comp…

If You Love Root Beer

If You Love Root Beer, You’Re In Luck!

According to a new study, root beer is the least harmful soda when it comes to your teeth. One of the most prevalent myths surrounding tooth decay is that sugar causes it. While sugar does play a role in the formation of cavities, it’s not the …

Social Anxiety And Teeth Grinding

Social Anxiety And Teeth Grinding

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in six American adults suffer from an anxiety disorder. A study done by Tel Aviv University researchers has found that social anxiety increases the risk for teeth grinding which can lead to ex…

7 Causes Of Tooth Loss

7 Causes Of Tooth Loss

More than 175 million American are missing at least one tooth, and the numbers are rising each year. Nineteen percent of those 65 and older suffer from edentulism, the medical term for missing all of their teeth. Of those 75 and older, 26 percent exp…

The Value Of Your Smile

The Value Of Your Smile

The “Priceless” MasterCard commercials from the late 90s remain one of the best campaign concepts of the 20th century. One of the reasons they were so successful is because they helped us understand and sort out how we place value on things without e…

Top 4 Things You Shouldn’T Go Cheap On

Top 4 Things You Shouldn’T Go Cheap On

In a world dominated by companies shouting out loud or in print about who has the lowest prices, it can be easy to get caught up in the price wars. There are many situations where the cheapest offering just as good as the name brand or more expensive…

For Many

For Many, A White Christmas Starts In Their Mouth

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you know that the teeth whitening business has exploded. People have finally realized how easy and relatively inexpensive it is to improve their appearance with something simple and…

Childhood Dental Care

Childhood Dental Care

Comprehensive oral care at an early age is no longer just something that seems like an obviously good idea. Research and scientific studies are finding alarming evidence that neglecting to take childhood oral health seriously is having lost lasting i…

The Gift Of A Smile

The Gift Of A Smile

Every holiday season hours are spent searching for the right gift for family, friends, coworkers and even acquaintances. The sad reality is so many of those perfectly selected knick knacks end up on folding tables at yard sales with a little yellow s…

Comprehensive Care From An Early Age

Comprehensive Care From An Early Age

Bringing your child to the dentist by their first birthday is very important for their long-term health. Introducing them to their home dentist, hygienists, office atmosphere and the normality of a professional cleaning helps create a positive associ…

The Hidden History Of The Tooth Fairy

The Hidden History Of The Tooth Fairy

When children are little, they expect adults to be experts on all subjects. Many parents and even educators find themselves “winging it” on occasion or simply having to stall while they go find the information they need.Rosemary Wells found herself i…

Not All Crowns Are Created Equally

Not All Crowns Are Created Equally

A crown strengthens an existing tooth or implant and improves its appearance. It becomes the new face of the tooth, in essence, and is usually color matched to the other teeth that surround it. With all the research that exists showing that smiles ar…

Sleep Apnea Is Not A Man’S Disease

Sleep Apnea Is Not A Man’S Disease

A study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that 93% of women with sleep apnea have not been clinically diagnosed. As drastic as these numbers are, many experts and health professionals are not surprised.Many dentists around the nation feel …

The Opportunities Of A Smile

The Opportunities Of A Smile

A study released by Princeton psychologists has determined that after looking at someone for only a tenth of a second, they make a judgment about their personality based solely on their appearance. That is faster than it takes the average person to b…

A Test For Chronic Migraines Most Don'T Even Consider

A Test For Chronic Migraines Most Don’T Even Consider

Do you suffer from chronic and persistent migraines or ear, neck, shoulder, head and body aches or pains? These may sound like symptoms of various medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and even Lyme disease, but did you know they are al…

Helping Children With Dental Anxiety

Helping Children With Dental Anxiety

For many parents, taking their child to the dentist can be a stressful ordeal when the child is either fearful or hyperactive. For many children, the length of time for a professional teeth cleaning and exam can be a long time to sit still in the de…

High Tech Advances At A Dental Office Near You

High Tech Advances At A Dental Office Near You

Rapid advances in technology are setting apart the dentists of yesterday from the dentists of today. For those who haven’t been to the dentist in the last five years or more, you may be pleasantly surprised by the changes you see if you brave …

The Roots Of Dental Phobia

The Roots Of Dental Phobia

Roughly 5-8 % of Americans avoid getting dental care entirely, while as many as 20% of Americans admit to only going to the dentist when absolutely necessary, all due to fear of the dentist. For some of these patients, fear stems from a real traumati…

Does Oil Pulling Whiten Teeth And Eliminate Oral Bacteria?

Does Oil Pulling Whiten Teeth And Eliminate Oral Bacteria?

Recent headlines about the Ayurvedic practice of oil pulling has sparked the American Dental Association (ADA) to begin researching the validity of practitioners’ claims that daily oil pulling can eliminate bacteria in the mouth and whiten teeth. Dr….

The Value Of Cosmetic Dentistry

The Value Of Cosmetic Dentistry

As we watched the Rio Olympics it was hard not to reminisce about the headlines made by Team USA swimmer Ryan Lochte’s Grillz that were first seen in Beijing in 2009 and sparking controversy when he was asked to remove them before climbing to t…

Is Flossing For Fools?

Is Flossing For Fools?

It’s been popping up in your newsfeed. You may have even thought it was a fake article from a farce website. Can it be true? Can you really throw away your dental floss?? Think of all the time wasted from years of flossing! A recent investigation is …

Homemade Toothpaste: Should It Be Used?

Homemade Toothpaste: Should It Be Used?

As we discover more and more negative consequences of chemicals and processed foods, many people are looking for more natural alternatives for hygiene and personal care. Essential oils have become an important component of homeopathic medicine and c…

Don’T Do It On The Cheap And Pay Later

Don’T Do It On The Cheap And Pay Later

In today’s socioeconomic climate, everyone wants things immediately, cheaply, and perfectly, but in many cases, only two out of three of these criteria can be met. When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, trying to get procedures done too quickly or too …

Causes Of Gum-Line Recession

Causes Of Gum-Line Recession

Receding gums are a condition that many dental patients face, and has been correlated with the accumulation of bacteria linked to a variety of larger health issues like diabetes, hypertension, and vulnerability to strokes. Dr. Martin Abelar believes…

Think Before You Drink: The Worst Soft Drinks For Your Teeth

Think Before You Drink: The Worst Soft Drinks For Your Teeth

Soft drinks and other sugary energy drinks account for a large percentage of cavities and tooth decay plaguing Americans, and yet most of us continue to consume them regularly. Dr. Martin Abelar has the scoop on what makes these drinks bad for your …

Feeling Sleepy? It'S More Than Just Being Tired.

Feeling Sleepy? It’S More Than Just Being Tired.

There are so many reasons it’s important to have a good night’s sleep that May has been declared Good Sleep month. Dr. Martin Abelar helps many patients achieve a better night’s sleep through oral appliance therapy (OAT) as an alternative to CPAP for…

Rehab That Gets You Looking Fab

Rehab That Gets You Looking Fab

When a building isn’t properly maintained and goes into distress (the state at which it’s not legally habitable), engineers and construction crews work together to rehabilitate them for stability and aesthetics so they can return to normal functional…

Why Neuromuscular Dentistry?

Why Neuromuscular Dentistry?

Traditional dentistry deals specifically with oral problems affecting the teeth and gums, but there is a different school of thought in dentistry that the mouth is part of a musculoskeletal system, whose mechanics are impacted by the form and functio…

Us Supreme Court Declines To Comment On Non-Dentist Provided Teeth Whitening Services

Us Supreme Court Declines To Comment On Non-Dentist Provided Teeth Whitening Services

On February 29, the United States Supreme Court officially declined to hear an appeal brought against the state of Connecticut regarding the constitutionality of state regulators prohibiting the sale of teeth whitening services by non-dentists. The …

The Top 10 Reasons To Get Porcelain Veneers

The Top 10 Reasons To Get Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are some of the most popularly used cosmetic dental appliances. They are bonded to the frontal surface of the teeth to treat the surface imperfections such as discoloration, minor cracks, chipping, worn-out biting surfaces, etc.

The 3 Types Of Teeth Discoloration

The 3 Types Of Teeth Discoloration

Teeth whitening is by far the most popular cosmetic dental treatment sought out by people looking to improve their smiles. Dr. Martin Abelar offers in-office laser whitening treatments as well as at home bleaching kits with custom bleaching trays. T…

Laser Treatment For Gum Disease

Laser Treatment For Gum Disease

In the past, deep tissue infection of the gums required painful cutting away of gum tissue from the infected area so that a deep cleaning of damaged tissue and bacterial debris built up on the root of the tooth could be scaled and cleaned to prevent …

Why You Should Invest In Dental Implants Vs. Dentures

Why You Should Invest In Dental Implants Vs. Dentures

As you weigh your options for replacing lost teeth, price can be a discriminating factor. In the short term, dentures are a flexible, low cost solution, but over the long term the benefits and cost savings diminish. At Dr. Martin Abelar’s office, w…

Are Tmj Dysfunctions Making You See Stars?

Are Tmj Dysfunctions Making You See Stars?

Most people are not highly aware of how common Temporal Mandibular Jaw Dysfunction (TMD) can be, but a number of celebrities have popped out of the woodwork noting TMD as the source of their head, neck and jaw pains. According to the National Instit…

Dentalphobia Can Lead To Serious Oral Health Problems.

Dentalphobia Can Lead To Serious Oral Health Problems.

Sometimes an experience at the dentist as a child can lead to a fear of the dentist as an adult. In other cases, other basic fears can be projected onto the experience of a dental visit. This “dentalphobia,” or fear of the dentist, can have a prof…

Periodontal Health

Periodontal Health

When people think of dental work, most think about teeth. Most will think of fillings, root canals or crowns. But a cleaning and the emphasis on periodontal health is equally important. For some, the gums are an afterthought when it comes to dental c…

Overcome Fear With Sedation Dentistry

Overcome Fear With Sedation Dentistry

Many people fear the dentist and as a result skip regular appointments to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Someone who fears the dentist may even avoid cleaning appointments for fear of discovering what work they might need. Fears of the dentist…

Are Your Gum Pockets At A Healthy Measurement?

Are Your Gum Pockets At A Healthy Measurement?

In recent years, medical and dental professionals have placed more concern on connections between inflammation in the mouth and certain life-threatening conditions. Inflammation and bleeding are not just a warning sign. When it gets to that point, an…

Why Cosmetic Dentistry

Why Cosmetic Dentistry

Harvard Psychologist Amy Cuddy recently released a book titled Presence, that discusses the notion that first impressions typically revolve around assessing two criteria critical to human interaction: (1) Can I trust this person? And (2) Can I resp…

Neuromuscular Dentistry Treatment For Tmj

Neuromuscular Dentistry Treatment For Tmj

There are many ways in which the mouth and body are connected, one being the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). While small, this particular joint plays a very important role in the overall homeostasis of an individual. TMJ dysfunction can result in symp…

Benefits Of Dental Implants Over Dentures

Benefits Of Dental Implants Over Dentures

There are several options for patients with missing teeth. Each case is different, but I often recommend dental implants because of the long-term benefits they provide that are unmatched by any other solution. On top of basic function, implants are p…

Mouth-Body Health Connection

Mouth-Body Health Connection

If you get a cut on your skin what do you do? Most likely disinfect and place a bandage on top. But what about when your gums bleed? Many people are unaware of the implications ignoring oral hygiene can have years down the road. It’s a common misconc…

Why My Dental Office Is Scented

Considering how many bodily functions depend on the mouth, it makes sense that it’s an extremely sensitive place. A dental procedure can prevent us from speaking properly or even chewing for the rest of the day. As a result, many people avoid checkup…

Art Of Cosmetic Dentistry

Art Of Cosmetic Dentistry

To help you get the best smile possible, an entire branch of dentistry is dedicated to improving the aesthetics of the smile, called cosmetic dentistry.

“We Fix $5 Haircuts.”

There’s an old marketing story about a barber shop in a small town that has provided high-quality haircuts and service at a fair price for many years. One day, a new chain barber shop opens up across the street and starts advertising haircuts for $5…

When A Tooth Is Chipped

When A Tooth Is Chipped

A chipped tooth can feel like “No Man’s Land.” It’s not fully broken and that can mean an extraction would be unnecessary. If multiple front teeth are chipped, a great solution is porcelain veneers. These days we normally associate porcelain veneers …

Importance Of Dental Hygiene

Importance Of Dental Hygiene

Keeping your regular dental hygiene appointments can be one of the best ways to avoid more costly dental care treatments. Cavities, periodontal disease (also known as gum disease) and even oral cancers can be detected in the early stages when minimal…

Why Didn’T I Do This Sooner?

Why Didn’T I Do This Sooner?

The most gratifying things about treating a patient’s TMJ is seeing the relief from pain. And, once that pain is behind most of them, one of the first reactions is “why didn’t I do this sooner?” Here’s a few reasons why.When you are in pain, you a…

Columbia Research Scientists Discover Cell Activity Link Between Sleep Apnea And Cardiovascular Disease

Columbia Research Scientists Discover Cell Activity Link Between Sleep Apnea And Cardiovascular Disease

Last week researchers at Columbia University released information from a study in which they found a link between Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Martin Abelar D.D.S sees this as one more reason that it is important for…


White, Bright Teeth

Cosmetic dentistry can fix a lot of issues my patients can’t help such as gaps in teeth or misshapen teeth. But, there are a lot of habits and behaviors people have that darken or stain their teeth. In time, this can be as much a reason to have some …

Types Of Sleep Apnea

Types Of Sleep Apnea

Most people do not know the difference between the kinds of sleep apnea. They just hear the snoring and hopefully sleep apnea. However, there is a major difference between the kinds of sleep apnea and that determines the proper treatment.If you snore…

Importance Of Brushing Your Gums

Importance Of Brushing Your Gums

There is an important reason dentists and dental health care professionals tell you to brush your teeth up and down to include brushing your gums. Up and down. Up and down. Brush over the gums. You’ve heard it all your life? Know why? It’s a daily ta…

Why An Implant?

Why An Implant?

When patients need to replace a tooth or teeth, I always go into great detail to explain the dental implant process. Frequently, patients are a little apprehensive when we talking about using titanium rods implanted into the bone. But, the benefits o…

A Beautiful Smile

A Beautiful Smile

The other day, I was thinking back to the days when Extreme Makeover was so big on television a little more than ten years ago. The idea of a complete cosmetic dental reconstruction seemed so dramatic back then! And, on that show, where people would …

Why Snoring Is Dangerous

Why Snoring Is Dangerous

Despite the fact that sleep apnea is a major stressor of the body and is linked to diseases such as depression, diabetes and high blood pressure, it’s the snoring that gets people into our office for diagnosis and treatment. Nobody likes to listen t…

Could Robots Replace Dentists?

Could Robots Replace Dentists?

For some patients in the United States, getting to a dentist poses a real challenge. In fact, according to Pew Charitable Trusts, nearly 50 million Americans have limited access to a dentist due to living in an area with a dentist shortage. So, what …

New Stem Cell Treatment May Regrow Teeth

New Stem Cell Treatment May Regrow Teeth

If you’ve ever lost an adult tooth, you already know your options for replacing that tooth are limited. Dentures, partials or bridges give you the look of having a tooth where one is missing, but they aren’t permanent and can still cause …
