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Check Your Oral Health Before Surgery

Dr Martin Abelar - June 3, 2022 - 0 comments

Preparing yourself for a surgical procedure should always include an oral health exam.

Preparing for a surgical procedure is an important step in anyone’s healing process. Making sure you have your supplies and prescriptions ready to go prior to your surgery doesn’t just make sense, it can save you pain and suffering after your procedure. But getting prescriptions and lining up a caregiver aren’t the only way you should be preparing to undergo a surgical procedure. In order to truly be ready, you need to make sure your body is ready for surgery.

For some, getting your body ready for surgery may look like weight loss, a fasting diet, trying a new medication, or quitting smoking. For others it may simply be a good night’s sleep, but for everyone, it should include an oral health checkup. Why? Because the mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body, and problems in the mouth could affect the entire body and the outcome of your surgery.

Here’s an example. Have you ever been diagnosed with a cavity at Dr. Abelar’s office, but were taken totally by surprise by it? After all, we don’t usually feel cavities until they become a big problem. Of course there are exceptions, but for the most part, most of us need a little extra help when it comes to our oral health. That’s why an oral health exam prior to a surgical procedure is an excellent idea. Even if we are on top of our oral hygiene, cavities, gum infections, and tooth infections can sneak into our mouth without us realizing it, and that can be very detrimental when it comes to any surgical procedures – even if they aren’t anywhere near the mouth.

This is because infections can not only spread but they can also weaken the immune system, which your body needs to use to heal from your surgery. If its busy fighting off infection in your teeth, you won’t heal as quickly from your surgery, or worse, you could develop an infection in the area of the surgical wound.

If you are scheduling surgery of any kind, speak to your surgeon about pre-surgical care and see if you should undergo an oral health exam prior to your surgery. If you do find that there is an oral health infection of any kind, Dr. Abelar can help treat that infection so you are strong, healthy, and ready for your surgery.

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