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New Year, New Life

Dr Martin Abelar - January 14, 2020 - 0 comments

Happy new year! The new year is always a time of promise – new chapter, a clean slate. It’s a time for setting goals and getting inspired. You may already have resolutions. Many people choose this time to make major lifestyle changes like eating a healthier diet, exercising more or quitting smoking. But while these can all significantly improve your health, there is one resolution that will benefit your health just as much, and it could even help you achieve your other resolutions.

This year, why not resolve to take better care of your oral health. Follow these tips for a healthier mouth and a healthier body!

Brush Up

Brushing twice a day for two minutes at a time is the minimum effort you should put into brushing your teeth. This will get them clean and keep bacteria away from the gums, where it can cause gum disease and gingivitis. Brushing also freshens your breath and reduces your risk of developing cavities.

Treat Yourself

You don’t have to spend big bucks to treat yourself to something new: a new toothbrush. We recommend you replace your toothbrush every three months, so use the new year as an opportunity to buy a new brush and set a calendar reminder to replace the brush or brush head every three months.


If you don’t already floss at least once a day, now is a great time to add this step to your oral hygiene regimen. It only adds a minute or so to your routine. If flossing is new to you, try out a few brands of floss and see which is most comfortable. Please be aware that a little bleeding of the gums is normal at first as your gums get used to being flossed, but this should subside within a few weeks.

Eat Whole Foods

Eating wholesome, unprocessed and more nutritious foods will help keep your teeth cleaner and stronger. Try to avoid refined sugars and other highly processed foods as they are full of carbohydrates and sweeteners that feed the bacteria cavities thrive on.

Remember, starting a new routine takes time, so don’t be discouraged if you stumble along the way. The important thing is that no matter what you attempt, try your best and don’t give up. We wish you a safe and healthy 2020, and best of luck with your resolutions, whatever they may be.

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