We all know exercise does a body good. From improving cardiovascular health to helping improve mental health, getting your blood pumping can do a world of wonders. Thankfully, exercise comes in many forms for all skill levels. Walking is a great low-impact way to start exercising, as is yoga. But did you know that exercises like yoga can actually improve your oral health, too? It’s true. Yoga can help ease and lessen temporomandibular joint dysfunction symptoms!
If you suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction (also known as TMJD or TMD), try these yoga poses to get some relief for neck and back pain associated with your temporomandibular joint dysfunction!
Seated Neck Tilt
In a comfy seat with crossed legs, put your left hand behind your head and hook your fingers under the bottom right side of your skull, behind your right ear.
Tilt the head to the left, pressing your head back into your hand.
Breathe deeply, and stretch deeper each time you exhale, keeping your jaw relaxed. Hold for five breaths before switching sides.
Thread and Needle
Positioned on all-fours, position your shoulders above your wrists and your hips above your knees.
Inhale, and move your left arm towards the sky, threading it through the center of your body. Drop your left shoulder to the ground.
Lie your left ear to the ground and relax your jaw. Breathe deep for five seconds before switching sides.
Locust Pose / Chin Tuck
Lying on your belly, clasp your hands behind your back and place your forehead on the ground.
Inhale, and tuck your chin as you lift your head up.
Relax your jaw, breathing deeply for five breaths. Exhale and lie back on the ground.
Diaphragmatic Breathing
After placing a blanket or towel across the top of your yoga mat, lie on your back and place your feet on the floor.
Put the rolled blanket underneath the arch of your neck.
Relax your jaw, drawing deep breaths into the diaphragm.
Put the palm of your hand on your forehead and gently push your head down into the ground. Take five breaths, then remove your hand.
We hope you are able to improve your strength and reduce neck, shoulder and back pain with these simple yoga poses. To learn more about treating your temporomandibular joint dysfunction, please reach out to Dr. Abelar’s office for a consultation today!