It’s that time of year again: open enrollment for most insurance companies and the end of the year, when medical benefits expire. If you haven’t selected your dental coverage for 2021 or used your benefits for 2020, now is the time!
If you’re an employer, however now is the time to encourage your employees to take better care of their oral health, too. Here are some ways you can boost your team’s oral and overall health.
Encourage them to enroll in dental insurance. If you offer insurance through your business, encourage your employees to purchase a dental insurance plan. These plans usually cover two annual cleanings and x-rays and may offer discounts on some procedures. Oral health is the gateway to overall health, so it benefits your employees to care for their oral health, too.
Remind them to use their benefits before they expire. When the calendar year re-sets, so too do your insurance benefits, so if employees have not used their dental benefits for 2020, they will lose them in 2021. Remind employees to visit the dentist before the end of 2020 if they have not used these benefits.
Make oral health a priority at work. Encourage healthy tooth habits by providing snacks for employees that are good for their oral health. Treats like fruit, nuts, dairy, and sugar-free foods are a great way to show your employees you care about them and their health.
Offer dental insurance if you don’t already. Don’t offer dental insurance? Now is the time to start. Your employees will appreciate it, and you’ll likely have higher productivity due to healthier employees. In fact, statistics have shown that one in six people will miss work due to oral health problems in any given year.
Showing an interest in your employees’ oral and overall health shows that you care about their health and productivity. To learn more about dental insurance options, contact your insurance plan administrator.
To use your own insurance benefits before 2021, contact Dr. Abelar’s office to schedule your annual or biannual cleaning and exam today.