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Family Oral Health Tips

Dr Martin Abelar - June 28, 2021 - 0 comments

As parents, we know getting kids on board with certain things can be like, well, pulling teeth. Ironically, that includes oral hygiene. After all, flossing and brushing isn’t always the most fun part of the day. But it doesn’t have to be a struggle, either. Here are some tips for making oral hygiene at home a little bit easier for your kids – and for you.


The first step to great oral health is to reduce the amount of sugar in your family’s diet. Swap out cookies and candies for fruits, nuts, dairy, and vegetables, so your kids (and you!) will always have a healthier option to snack on instead of sugar.  This will be beneficial to not just your oral health, but to your overall health, too. With obesity rates growing in America, this is vitally important.


Fun toothbrushes with cartoon characters, disposable spin brushes, and of course electric toothbrushes are great ways to keep kids motivated to brush. Some toothbrushes even come with apps for games and brushing tracking that your kids can challenge themselves with each time they brush their teeth. Not only that, but brushing with a sonic or electric brush has been proven to do a better job at brushing away plaque, so you and your family’s teeth will be better for it. Most also come with two-minute timers that will help ensure your kids are brushing for the minimum recommended brushing time.


Not sure your little ones are really brushing, but they’re too old to have you brush their teeth for them? Get them to brush with you! Making it a family event will allow you to monitor your kids brushing habits while bonding together as a family and teaching your kids healthy oral hygiene habits to last a lifetime.


Dr. Abelar is happy to treat you and your whole family, so don’t skimp on dental exams. We recommend twice-yearly dental appointments, because believe it or not, a lot can change in six months when it comes to your teeth. To schedule an appointment for you and your family, please contact Dr. Abelar’s office at 858-523-1400.

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