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Could New App Help Patients Get After-Hours Dental Services?

Dr Martin Abelar - February 20, 2018 - 0 comments

According to a recent report by Daniel Wesley at, Americans work more hours than any other workers on Earth. In fact, Wesley claims that 66.5 percent of women and 85.8 percent of men work over 40 hours per week. That doesn’t leave a whole lot of free time – or time to see the dentist. But a new app created by former hedge fund analyst Eva Sadej could soon change that.

Sadej is currently raising funding for “Floss Bar,” the app she designed to connect off-duty dental hygienists with patients looking for after-hours dental care. According to Sadej, the hygienists would use the same equipment and facilities they use during regular business hours, but with no dentist on the premises.

“From a safety standpoint, it could be a very bad idea,” says de, California, dentist Dr. Martin Abelar. That’s because, according to Abelar, not only could something go wrong without another trained medical professional in the office, but it could also be a personal safety hazard for both the hygienist and the patient.

“You just never know what people’s intentions are.”

Abelar says the idea isn’t all bad.

“I like that the patient would be seen in an actual dental clinic with the proper equipment and safety standards and not in a hotel room or someone’s kitchen,” Abelar says. “I like that the hygienist would be working on behalf of the dentist, so the patient would still have a dentist to defer back to if there was a problem, and I like that the patient would be getting care they may not otherwise have time to get.”

Right now, Floss Bar is only available in three New York dental offices, but Sadej hopes to have the app in 1,000 dental practices across America within the next five years.

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