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How To Prevent White Spots On Your Teeth During Orthodontic Treatment

How To Prevent White Spots On Your Teeth During Orthodontic Treatment

Getting braces is a big deal - and a big milestone in anyone’s life....

Dr Martin Abelar September 30, 2023
Artificial Intelligence Could Soon Diagnose Osteoarthritis Of The Temporomandibular Joint

Artificial Intelligence Could Soon Diagnose Osteoarthritis Of The Temporomandibular Joint

The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on our daily lives is becoming undeniable. From...

Dr Martin Abelar September 30, 2023
Autism Could Increase The Risk Of TMJ Dysfunction

Autism Could Increase The Risk Of TMJ Dysfunction

For millions of parents around the world, the side effects of autism are all...

Dr Martin Abelar September 30, 2023
The Link Between OSA And Vitamin D

The Link Between OSA And Vitamin D

We all know the importance of getting the correct amount of vitamins and minerals...

Dr Martin Abelar September 30, 2023
Treating Gestational Sleep Apnea

Treating Gestational Sleep Apnea

Your body goes through many changes when you’re pregnant. Many of them are temporary...

Dr Martin Abelar September 30, 2023
Choosing The Right White For Your Veneers

Choosing The Right White For Your Veneers

It’s pretty safe to say we all want pretty, gleaming, white teeth. But when...

Dr Martin Abelar September 30, 2023
New Drug Could Someday Regrow Teeth

New Drug Could Someday Regrow Teeth

Our teeth are one of our most precious commodities. When we take care of...

Dr Martin Abelar September 30, 2023
Menopause And Oral Health

Menopause And Oral Health

As we age, our bodies experience many changes, some of them inevitable. For most...

Dr Martin Abelar September 30, 2023
Protect Your Eyes From Sleep Apnea

Protect Your Eyes From Sleep Apnea

If you have sleep apnea, you already know how hard it is to get...

Dr Martin Abelar August 31, 2023
Useful Tips For Reducing Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Pain

Useful Tips For Reducing Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Pain

You're no stranger to pain if you suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ dysfunction)....

Dr Martin Abelar August 31, 2023
Got TMJ Dysfunction? Skip The Needle!

Got TMJ Dysfunction? Skip The Needle!

If you’re at all familiar with the pain and frustration of temporomandibular joint dysfunction,...

Dr Martin Abelar August 31, 2023
What President Biden Can Teach Us About CPAP Therapy

What President Biden Can Teach Us About CPAP Therapy

If you’ve been watching the news, you may have heard a story recently about...

Dr Martin Abelar August 31, 2023
Cosmetic Dentistry Options That Won’t Break The Bank

Cosmetic Dentistry Options That Won’t Break The Bank

It’s pretty safe to say that we all have things about ourselves that we...

Dr Martin Abelar August 31, 2023
Breakfast Ideas For A Healthy Mouth

Breakfast Ideas For A Healthy Mouth

Breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. It’s true! Studies have even...

Dr Martin Abelar August 31, 2023
Could This Vitamin Help Reduce Tartar?

Could This Vitamin Help Reduce Tartar?

Sometimes, oral health care can be really frustrating. You brush, you floss, you visit...

Dr Martin Abelar August 31, 2023
The Benefits Of Artificial Sweeteners

The Benefits Of Artificial Sweeteners

Looking for a sweet escape? Interested in just desserts? Most of us crave sugar...

Dr Martin Abelar August 31, 2023